Do People Get Sick When the Seasons Change?

September 18, 2023

As the seasons shift, it's not uncommon for people to sniff, sneeze, or feel under the weather. But is there a genuine connection between changing seasons and an uptick in illnesses? Continue reading to learn why and visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen for seasonal care treatment.

Reasons Why People Get Sick During Changing Seasons

1.Weather Variability

 The transition from one season to another often brings erratic weather patterns. These fluctuations can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections.

2.Seasonal Allergens

New seasons can introduce different allergens, such as pollen in spring or mold in damp weather. Allergic reactions can mimic cold or flu symptoms, leading to confusion about the cause of illness.

3.Increased Indoor Time

 People tend to spend more time indoors as the weather becomes less inviting. This proximity to others in enclosed spaces can facilitate the spread of viruses and bacteria.

4.Weakened Immunity

Seasonal shifts can disrupt sleep patterns, dietary habits, and exercise routines, essential for maintaining a robust immune system. These disruptions can leave individuals more vulnerable to illness.

Tips for Staying Healthy & Preventing Illness

1.Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps maintain overall health and supports the immune system's function.

2.Proper Nutrition

 A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides essential vitamins and minerals that boost immunity.

3.Good Hygiene

Regular hand washing and proper respiratory etiquette, like covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, help prevent the spread of germs.

4.Seasonal Allergy Management

If you have allergies, take proactive measures like using air purifiers, keeping windows closed, and using allergy medications as a healthcare provider recommends.

5.Maintain a Consistent Routine

Consistency in sleep, exercise, and healthy eating habits can help keep the immune system strong.


Ensure you're up-to-date with recommended vaccinations, such as the flu shot, which can protect against specific seasonal illnesses.

Seasonal Care Available at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen

Urgent care centers play a vital role in addressing seasonal health concerns. They offer accessible healthcare services for a wide range of non-life-threatening conditions. Critical care professionals can diagnose and treat various illnesses, provide vaccinations, and offer guidance on managing symptoms and staying healthy during seasonal transitions.

The changing seasons can impact our health and make us more susceptible to illness. However, we can better protect ourselves by understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon and following proactive health practices. If you do fall ill during a seasonal transition, AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen is readily available to provide the care and support you need to get back on the path to wellness.

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