Healthy Early Summer Activities that Have Low COVID-19 Risks

May 5, 2021

Last year, most families were confined to their homes over the summer due to the soaring rates of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. This year COVID-19 trends have improved, and cases are declining. This means that Americans will be able to get outside and participate in more activities. But this opportunity should not be without caution.

The situation with COVID-19 is ever changing. This means that it is important to follow guidelines that are advised by healthcare agencies when planning our summertime trips and activities.

Fortunately, there are many safe outdoor activities to enjoy with family and friends. 

Safe Outdoor Activities

Summertime is nearing and Americans are more than ready to get outdoors and enjoy summertime activities. To continue this positive trend, it is important that Americans participate in safe outdoor activities with low risk of worsening COVID-19. 

Examples of safe summertime activities include:

  • Camping
  • Boating
  • Beach
  • Hiking
  • More…

There are a few things that must be done to ensure that we do not further spread COVID-19.

The Center for Disease Control advises that it is safe for vaccinated individuals to be around one another without wearing a mask. This also applies to vaccinated individuals in an indoor environment. The issue is that children are not currently eligible for vaccination. This means that children will need to continue to wear masks and practice social distancing this summer.

Tips to Keep Everyone Healthy This Summer

There are a few things that you can do to decrease the risks associated with COVID-19:

  • Leave unvaccinated children with a sitter or relative when vacationing or attending large gatherings.
  • If your unvaccinated child is attending a camp over the summer make certain the camp adheres to CDC guidelines, including masks and social distancing. 
  • Experts advise families to travel by car rather than by air travel. 

The good news is that it will now be safe for children, despite the fact they are unvaccinated, to visit with relatives this summer. Even older relatives, such as grandparents and extended family are safe as long as they are fully vaccinated.

Contact Your Local Urgent Care Center 

Continue to follow the guidance on the CDC website, as new variants of the virus emerge, the situation may change. Contact your local urgent care center if you or your family are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or fear that you may have come into contact with the virus. Urgent Care Centers provide immediate peace of mind with their 15 minute rapid test for COVID-19. 

Urgent Care Centers are located throughout the United States. This means that you’ll never be far from quality medical care no matter where your summer plans take you. These centers treat a wide range of non-emergency injuries and illnesses and walk-ins are welcome.

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