When Should I Go to Urgent Care with the Flu?

October 29, 2019


The flu is one of the most common viruses, with over 3 million cases being reported between the start of the season in September through its end in late May.  As temperatures drop and the seasons change, your immune system will take some time to adjust, which makes you more vulnerable to contracting the virus. Mild symptoms can be treated at home, but more serious cases of the flu may require a visit to your local urgent care for examination and treatment.

Symptoms of the influenza virus

There are many potential symptoms of the flu, some of which may overlap with other illnesses or viruses. Because every case is different and may vary based on the strain, treating the right infection is critical. Some of the more common symptoms of the flu include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Full body and headache
  • Dehydration
  • Stuffed or runny nose
  • Vomiting/diarrhea
  • Fatigue

What if you get the flu?

If you contract the flu virus, symptoms will begin to appear in 1-4 days.  If you feel sick or begin to exhibit symptoms, you should stay home for at least 24 hours in order to give your fever time to break. Drinking fluids is critical: make sure you have plenty of water, sports drinks, juices and soup in order to stay hydrated and get the nutrients you need as you rest. Adults are able to take over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin in order to relieve pain. It is important to not give children aspirin because of a risk of Reye’s Syndrome, which can cause liver and brain damage.

Visiting urgent care with the flu

High-risk flu patients should visit a doctor as soon as possible once flu symptoms begin. Patients considered to be high-risk include young children, pregnant women, the elderly and patients with compromised immune systems. If you are not considered high-risk, you should visit urgent care if:

  • You have been sick for up to five days without showing signs of improvement
  • Your fever is climbing and not breaking
  • You are becoming dehydrated

Flu Shots & Treatment in Aberdeen, NJ

The most effective form of flu prevent is the flu shot, now available at AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen. Because the flu virus is constantly evolving and mutating, it is critical to get your flu shot at the start of the season each year to prevent getting sick. If you do begin to develop symptoms, visit AFC Urgent Care Aberdeen for treatment and examination to check for complications or additional illnesses. We are open seven days a week, including evening and weekends for sudden onset illness. If you have questions, please call 732-583-5100.


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