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5 Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter Sports

January 15, 2018

" Winter sports are fun but not always the safest activities. If you imagine yourself careening down a hill towards another skier or skating on the rink and then getting nailed by a hockey puck – well, you can probably see how and why plenty of cold-weather athletes wind up seeing a doctor unexpectedly. And you don’t have to imagine. Statistics make it clear how dangerous winter sports can be. According to the U.S. Consumer ...

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Talk to Your Kids About Flu Prevention

January 10, 2018

" Parents are being warned that their sweet little angels may actually be the face behind the flu. For a number of reasons, young children are generally more likely to spread the virus than are adults. Children usually have more contact with others, are undeniable germ magnets and tend have weaker immune systems, making them easy targets for the ruthless influenza virus. In addition to their natural susceptibility, only one in four children receives an annual ...

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Are Extra Pounds Weighing Down Your Immune System?

January 5, 2018

It probably comes as no surprise that losing weight and getting healthy is high on the list when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. And like so many promises we make to ourselves, it’s usually easier said than done. At American Family Care clinics, we see the effects of obesity every day. High blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are all commonly known side effects of obesity. But what might surprise you is ...

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What Happens When You Get the Flu Vaccine

December 10, 2017

" Winter months are setting in and flu season is ramping up. The easiest (and most effective) way to fight off the flu is to get your flu shot! Unfortunately, there are quite a few misconceptions about how the flu vaccine functions and the important role it plays in protecting your body. How the Flu Shot Works When you get sick, it is your immune system that fights diseases or infections to make you feel better ...

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How to Prepare for Inclement Weather

November 29, 2017

" A storm is brewing. Are you ready? Even if you’re reading this when the skies are sunny and blue, chances are, sooner or later, you’re going to be confronted with inclement weather. Maybe you live in a part of the country that’s visited by hurricanes or tornadoes. Perhaps you live in a snowbelt. If you’re in the West, maybe wildfires, earthquakes or dust storms are your concern. Whatever your variety of ...

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Winter Is Coming…And So Is Flu Season

November 1, 2017

" The colder months are nearly here, which means it’s time to prepare yourself to fight against the flu. Catching the flu is quite a taxing ordeal, almost always resulting in having to call out sick from work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has done studies that show there is a notable spike in illness-related work absences each year during flu season. Get Your Flu Shot Failing to get your flu shot is setting yourself ...

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How to Avoid Back-to-School Bugs

October 2, 2017

" It never seems to fail! By the time the new school year rolls around, and just as you’re getting your new family routine in place, somebody gets sick. Pretty soon, everyone’s back in the bed battling who knows what and your routine is out the window. Nobody likes to be stuck at home sick, and the consequences can be more stressful than just a blown schedule. With the pace of academics these days ...

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Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical?

September 28, 2017

" If your child is playing a sport this fall, it’s time to start thinking about a sports physical, also known as a Preparticipation Physical Exam (PPE). Before a player can compete, most schools and sports leagues will require a physical. Typically, there are two sections the PPE – a medical history review and a physical exam. Both parts are important and can help keep your child safe and healthy as they play their heart out ...

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Health Benefits of Eating In-Season Produce

September 28, 2017

" Eating fresh produce is always a good idea when it comes to your health, but eating in-season fruits and vegetables can be even more beneficial for your well-being. A diet rich in produce can help reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and even some forms of cancer. By eating seasonally, you’ll get the full nutritional value of the produce and ingest less chemicals, all while saving money and ...

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5 Health Habits Your Kids Should Have

September 14, 2017

" As a parent, you are the first person your child looks to when they get hurt of if they’re coming down with a cold. Even though you can’t always protect them from the world, there are a few ways you can make sure they that stay in good health.  Here are five ways you can make sure they stay in tip-top shape. Skipping the junk food: What looks good and tastes good may ...

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