How Can I Treat Pharyngitis at Home

January 25, 2021

" When foreign bacteria enter the body, your body goes through an inflammatory response. Moreover, when bacteria and viruses invade the inner part of your throat or the pharynx, it causes Pharyngitis. Pharyngitis refers to the inflammation in the backside of the throat. What is Pharyngitis? Most people know Pharyngitis as a “sore throat.” A sore throat is one of the most common conditions that everyone encounters in their lifetime. It’s most evident, and instant ...

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Norovirus: Symptoms and Prevention

January 7, 2021

" With Cruse Ship “Outbreaks” making national headlines on a regular basis, awareness of Norovirus – a group of highly contagious viruses that cause gastrointestinal illness – is extremely important.   Often called stomach flu, viral gastroenteritis, and food poisoning, Norovirus is spread through contaminated food, water, and surfaces, in addition to air and direct contact. Persistent in a variety of environments, Norovirus can survive for weeks outside the body. There is no immunity for the virus so anyone ...

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Travel Health and Safety Guidelines for Thanksgiving 2020

November 12, 2020

" Thanksgiving 2020 is going to be extremely complex due to the revised travel health and safety guidelines established by public health agencies, in response to COVID-19. Specifically, the CDC suggests that families take several precautions to ensure that they are safe this holiday season: Unfortunately, the COVID-19 epidemic is worsening, and small household gatherings are an important contributor to the rise in COVID-19 cases. CDC offers the following considerations to slow the spread of COVID-19 ...

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Allergy Symptoms vs. COVID Symptoms

October 9, 2020

" Fall is a time when allergies tend to get worse for those that suffer from allergies to things like mold, ragweed, dust mites, and so much more. The cooler weather doesn’t mean seasonal allergies are going anywhere! This fall, there’s an added challenge because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Identifying your symptoms as allergies or COVID-19 is a vital part of maintaining your own health, as well as the health of those around you ...

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Flu Shot Access and Quality Flu Season Care at Urgent Care

October 9, 2020

" Each fall and winter people are encouraged to get their flu shot, but in 2020 it’s more important than ever! Getting a flu shot is never fun, but it’s likely a lot easier than you realize, especially if you get vaccinated at an urgent care center. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of getting a flu shot and why an urgent care center is the best place to go for ...

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What Should I Do Before Flu Season Starts?

September 15, 2020

" 2020 has been a hectic year to say the least. Nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been changed thanks to COVID-19. Although people were hopeful things would be back to normal by now, that clearly isn’t the case. As everyone continues to deal with COVID-19, flu season is quickly approaching too. Getting prepared before flu season starts is the best way to prevent yourself from getting sick and keep those around you ...

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When Do Flu Symptoms Worsen In The Fall Season?

September 14, 2020

" Influenza is something that is very common, but also very preventable! It’s important to know the common symptoms of the flu and understand what to expect if you get the virus. Identifying the flu and understanding the severity of your case is especially important this year, since hospitals are already overrun with COVID-19 cases.  Flu Symptoms  Common flu symptoms include:  Fever Cough Runny nose Stuffy nose Chills Body aches Headaches Fatigue Gastrointestinal symptoms such ...

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Rapid Testing FAQs for Patients

August 14, 2020

" AFC Urgent Care Arlington now offers Rapid COVID-19 Testing for patients that need fast and immediate testing of the novel coronavirus. Whenever patients need a same-day COVID test, they can book an appointment online and find the most immediate opening for COVID-19 testing. This new type of testing is now available at many urgent care centers, including AFC Arlington and Watertown, which may help patients get immediate and fast testing services. Our previous blog on ...

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What should I know about COVID-19 Rapid Testing?

August 13, 2020

" COVID-19 cases now eclipse 5 million in the United States, according to the latest COVID statistics from the CDC (August 2020). With communities slowly re-opening, patients and families need a faster way to test for COVID-19. The good news for patients is that Rapid COVID-19 Testing is expanding at AFC Urgent Care Arlington for patients that have an appointment! But many patients may not fully understand the differences between standard and rapid testing as well ...

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Seasonal Illness Prevention Guide for 2020

July 24, 2020

" Fall is known to be a time when illnesses start to spread more rapidly. This can be partially attributed to cooler weather, but mainly attributed to people spending more time indoors and in close proximity to one another. 2020 has already been a challenging year for the medical community, but the cold and flu season is just beginning. Knowing how to manage and identify seasonal illnesses in 2020 is vital to protecting your own health ...

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