" Actor and comedian Tom Arnold is in town doing a gig – he dropped in today to say hello to his friend Medical Director Mark Smith. The team enjoyed his visit. Tom looks great – met his goal of 100 lb weight loss! "
" Actor and comedian Tom Arnold is in town doing a gig – he dropped in today to say hello to his friend Medical Director Mark Smith. The team enjoyed his visit. Tom looks great – met his goal of 100 lb weight loss! "
" The purpose of this observance is to highlight the importance of immunizations, one of the top 10 public health accomplishments of the 20th Century, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.While immunizations have significantly reduced the incidence of many serious infectious diseases, vaccination rates for some diseases are not meeting national public health goals. The need for vaccination does not end in childhood. Vaccines are recommended throughout our lives based on age, lifestyle ...
" Kids spend more time at school during the year than anywhere else, and while every parent knows the back to school season is filled with shopping excursions, new school supplies and other preparations, there is one other important thing many people forget. It’s time to make your children’s health part of your back to school to-do list. You know, something you can actually feel good about spending your money on! Whether they’re ...
" You’re outside having a great time in the sun when suddenly you notice both your arms and legs are sun burnt red. You said, “I don’t need sunscreen I never burn,” but now you are paying for it. The importance of sunscreen goes far beyond preventing your skin from burning. Overtime, an individual who uses sunscreen versus one who doesn’t will begin to show differences in the look and feel of skin ...
" Swimmers ear is an infection located in the outer part of the ear canal that occurs when water becomes entrapped in your ear causing bacteria to grow as a result of the moist environment. Putting fingers in your ear or using a cotton swab may seem like a good idea to prevent swimmers ear from occurring, but, it actually damages the thin layer of skin that lines your ear canal. Some Minor Symptoms of Swimmers ...
" Heat Exhaustion is a condition that generally includes intense sweating and an increased heart rate due to your body’s response to overheating. Out of the three heat-related syndromes heat exhaustion falls in the middle, with heat cramps being the least intense and a heatstroke being the most detrimental to one’s health. Heat exhaustion is usually caused from a prolonged exposure to hot temperatures especially when one is involved in physical activity and high ...
" AFC Urgent Care in Jacksonville FL has a new website! Please check back frequently as we continue to add new content to our website. "