How to Avoid Grilling Injuries and Food Illnesses This Summer!

July 18, 2019

" With summer comes outdoor fun, cookouts, and of course grilling! Getting the family or friends together for a cookout is one of the best ways to enjoy the summer weather. But it is also important to ensure that you are taking the necessary precautions to safely grill. Grilling safely not only includes avoiding direct injury but it also means taking the time to properly cook food all the way through. Anyone who decides to be ...

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What Should Parents Understand about Measles in the U.S?

June 20, 2019

" Measles cases have ballooned in 2019 and the disease itself is one of the U.S’s most significant public health risks, especially for younger children. In 2019 alone, there have been over 1044 cases of the measles reported across the country in a mix of urban and rural communities. The majority of the cases were reported in the state of New York, but have been reported in over 20 states so far. Additionally, younger ...

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How to Exercise When You Have Asthma or Seasonal Allergies

June 11, 2019

" Asthma and seasonal allergy sufferers are all too familiar with unsuccessful workout attempts. Being unable to catch your breath, sneezing, wheezing, and coughing just scratch the surface of potential symptoms that make exercising a challenge. It can be tempting to give up on your fitness goals when you’re suffering with one of these diseases, but you’re sure to regret later on. Staying active as an asthma or allergy sufferer is possible and we ...

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Beginner Fitness Tips to Help Kickstart a Healthy Lifestyle!

May 8, 2019

" Making a healthy lifestyle change is a great thing, but many people struggle to take the first step – literally! All of the information and expectations about what a healthy lifestyle looks like can be overwhelming for a beginner in the fitness world. Let us break it down for you into a few simple tips so you can start to achieve your fitness goals! Build Endurance 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week is recommended ...

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The Top 5 Health Risks of Vaping on Youth and Teenagers

April 16, 2019

" Vaping has become the latest trend among adults and teens alike. What started as a replacement for traditional cigarettes has become an entirely new issue facing vape users. Experts are especially concerned about the risk this trend is placing on our youth and teenagers. The number of underage vape users is growing each day, so it’s time to talk about what some of those potential health risks are. Slowed Brain Development Did you know ...

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Seasonal Allergy Prevention Tips

April 2, 2019

" Seasonal allergies such as hay fever impact millions of Americans every year, which may lead to lower productivity, increased fatigue, and several uncomfortable day-to-day symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate that over 20 million people in the U.S are diagnosed with hay fever annually. Additionally, over 8 million people reported a respiratory allergy in the last year, highlighting the widespread effect of seasonal allergies in the U.S. The good news is ...

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STD Testing 101: When to get a screening

March 20, 2019

" Most adults in the U.S will likely need to get an STD test or screening because of the high rate of STDs in the country. Current statistics indicate that there are 2.2 million new cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis combined each year. The chances of getting an STD also increase significantly among sexually active adults. Abstinence is the most effective way to prevent an STD, but individuals that want to engage in ...

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Sports-Injury Prevention Tips for your Child

March 20, 2019

" Did you know that nearly 775,000 youth athletes have to go to the hospital due to unorganized and organized sports activity? According to the CDC, hospitalizations for all recreational activities among children aged 5-14 total 3.1 million patients annually. Sports injuries are common nationally, but you’ll never fully know when or how your child may get hurt while playing competitive sports or similar activities. However, it does help to understand some of ...

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Vaccinations 101: What are they and how do they keep you healthy?

February 25, 2019

" Vaccinations, otherwise known as “shots,” are know as some of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases but recently have come under scrutiny by anti-vaxxing campaging. This has led healthcare experts and organizations to publicly defend the usefulness of vaccinations. Additionally, lawmakers are working to make vaccinations mandatory and prevent misinformed parents from forgoing their child’s vaccines.  Recently, measles outbreaks across the country have led to a spike in childhood infections and hospitalizations ...

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How to manage and prevent Heart Disease

February 25, 2019

" If you have heart disease or increased heart disease risks, then you know how scary it can be to manage your overall health. However, you are not alone.  Individuals with greater than normal heart disease risks are common across the U.S. The American Heart Association found that cardiovascular disease and heart health issues account for 836,546 deaths annually. In addition, just about 2,300 Americans die of a cardiovascular disease each day. Here ...

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