Exercise skills to keep you healthy during the winter time!

January 23, 2019

" The cold season usually means lots of snow days as well as lots of snowed-in days! While a break from school or work may be nice it may feel like you’re cramped indoors without much room to exercise. Winter months can contribute to increases in inactivity and days of sedentary activity, which also increase health risks. Remaining sedentary for an extended period of time can lead to increased blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, and other ...

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Coughing, sneezing, or sniffling? Here’s how you can prevent and treat acute respiratory infections

January 17, 2019

" As wintertime hits, seasonal illnesses and allergies are in the air. Along with those illnesses come the likely possibility that you could experience an acute respiratory infection. An acute respiratory infection is an infection that interferes with normal breathing patterns. These infections may start out in just the sinuses or throat but can eventually work their way towards the lungs. The minor symptoms of an acute respiratory infection include coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and body ...

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Gift Wrapping Precautions

December 28, 2018

" Holiday gift wrapping is one of the many joys of the season for some, for others, it’s a chore that they dread. Regardless of which side you fall on, it’s essential to follow certain precautions while you wrap your gifts. Choose the Right Surface Many people wrap their gifts on the floor, but the awkward positioning is terrible for your back. Bending over, reaching, and getting in awkward positions as you wrap your ...

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Treating a Runny Nose

November 21, 2018

" Got a case of the sniffles?  If your nose is running faster than a waterfall, and you’re constantly reaching for a tissue, you might be coming down with a cold.  A runny nose is the result of excess nasal mucus production, which leads to watery nasal secretions that discharge from your nostrils or drip into your throat.  While a bout of a cold or the flu is usually the culprit during this time of ...

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Occupational Healthcare – Caring for Employees and Employers

November 8, 2018

" Occupational Health refers to the many disciplines devoted to the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace, often concentrating on injury prevention. Even with solid practices in place, accidents do occur, and having an experienced occupational healthcare provider you trust can make all the difference. Workplace injuries can result in lost time, indemnity costs, and lower productivity for an employer. Studies have shown that the same workplace injury can have catastrophic consequences to the ...

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Practice Trick or Treating Safety This Halloween

October 25, 2018

" Halloween is a time where children are excited, but parents are nervous. There are many potential dangers on Halloween, especially while your child is trick or treating. Once your child finds a costume they love and you’re ready to go, don’t forget to keep a few things in mind. Have Adult Supervision at All Times While your children are walking around trick or treating, make sure you’re walking around with them. If ...

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Family Health and Fitness

October 15, 2018

" Did you know that the family is the most important social influence for physical activity? Research shows that children of active parents are 5.8 times more likely to engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Today, most children do not meet the recommended amount of daily exercise, which is crucial to healthy growth and development. To get your kids moving, it’s important that you’re moving too! Here are a few fun ...

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Don’t Get Sidelined By an Injury

August 30, 2018

" It’s not uncommon for kids to be sidelined by an injury during an athletic competition.  While some require minimal medical treatment, other injuries demand immediate care. To make sure you’re prepared for common injuries that may occur this fall sports season, here’s what you should know about the difference between an injury that requires an emergency room visit and a non-life-threatening injury that can be treated at an urgent care center. What ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito’s This Summer

July 20, 2018

" Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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Poison Ivy: Signs, Symptoms and Precautions

June 27, 2018

" Poison ivy is the most common allergy in the United States, affecting about 50 million people every year. The rash from poison ivy is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol, an oily substance in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, through direct contact. Urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison sumac, which means the rash can be contracted by interacting with any of the three plants. Other than direct contact ...

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