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Pregnant? Get Your Flu Shot!

November 28, 2016


If you’re expecting a little one within the next nine months, you probably have a lot on your mind. Between the doctor’s visits, prenatal classes, prepping the baby’s room and stocking up on everything you will need, preparing for your baby’s arrival can be exhausting. Among everything else you have to do, it can be easy to forget to get your flu shot!

Getting a flu shot is especially important for pregnant women.

Getting the flu could be very harmful, and even deadly, to you and your baby. That’s because the flu is more likely to cause severe illness or complications in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant. In addition to severe illness in the mother, catching the flu during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications to the pregnancy itself, including premature labor and delivery. Premature labor and delivery can result in a number of serious conditions for you baby, including cognitive disabilities, developmental delays and even death.

The good news is getting a flu shot is the most effective way to avoid getting the flu, and it’s so easy! Not only does the flu shot protect your baby while in the womb, but studies have also shown the flu shot can protect your baby after birth as well. If you get a flu shot while pregnant, you will pass the antibodies on to your child, which will help protect your baby for several months after birth. Infants under six months of age cannot receive a flu vaccination, so it’s important to provide this protection to your baby beforehand. The flu shot is perfectly safe for pregnant women during any trimester of their pregnancy, and it’s even safe for breastfeeding mothers as well.

Get your flu shot at AFC Urgent Care.

If you are pregnant and haven’t gotten your flu shot yet this year, you should get one as soon as possible to be protected before the peak of flu season. Flu season typically peaks in December through February, so it’s a good idea to protect you and your baby now! AFC Urgent Care Arlington offers walk-ins for flu shots no appointment necessary so you can easily fit getting a flu shot into your busy schedule.



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