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What are the Most Common Seasonal Illnesses in Fall?

October 17, 2019


Seasonal illnesses are likely to impact patients this fall at a greater-than-normal volume since may illnesses, injuries, and ailments disproportionately impact individuals of all ages. Understanding some of the key seasonal illnesses during the fall can help patients stay protected this season.

Illness prevention during the fall season is a pretty straightforward process. Simply keep up with your personal hygiene, frequent hand washing, and avoid contact with germy spaces throughout the season.

And whenever you experience a seasonal illness, then make sure you talk to your local walk-in clinic and urgent care team at AFC Urgent Care Arlington! Our team of expert staff and providers can help alleviate any troubling or uncomfortable cold and flu symptoms you may have.

Below are some of the most common seasonal illnesses to be aware of this fall!

Influenza is increasingly popular during the fall season

The flu virus spreads rapidly during the fall as the temperatures and indoor conditions align to create a fast transmission vehicle for the flu virus. Influenza travels through airborne and direct contact, which means the virus in local communities can move quickly in schools and office spaces alike!

Make sure you get your updated flu shot each year in order to fight off the latest virus and prevention nasty symptoms and missed weeks of work, school, and other activities!

Common colds are likely to spread during the flu season

A common cold is caused by a rhinovirus, which is a virus that infects patients through the nostrils, throat, and other respiratory airways. A cold cannot be vaccinated against and does not have an immediate cure.

Patients can prevent a common cold through hand-washing, hygiene, and routine cleaning of personal spaces. However, if you suddenly experience a cold then you may want to get symptom treatment ASAP! A cold can cause patients a variety of flu-like symptoms such as a fever, congestion, or fatigue!

Allergies are highly common during the fall as well!

Allergies and airborne triggers can spread quickly during the fall because of the cool and breezy temperatures. Whenever the autumn season rolls around it can bring about widespread allergies. Pollen-based allergies, hay fever, and food allergies are especially common during a holiday-filled time of the year like fall!

Preventing allergies includes avoiding triggers, keeping your household organized and sealed off from airborne irritants, and by frequently washing surfaces that could have triggers! And always make sure that you can find urgent care for allergy, flu, and cold symptoms when prevention won’t cut it!



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