What Is Strep Throat?

March 16, 2021

It’s probably safe to say that many of us had strep throat several times when we were growing up. While strep throat is most common among children between the ages of 5 and 15, it can affect children and adults of all ages, and its severity varies from person to person. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN shares some other helpful info on this common bacterial infection. How Do ...

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Is Back Pain a Sign of COVID-19?

March 4, 2021

You probably know by now that general body and muscle aches are a common symptom of COVID-19, but lately, many have claimed to be experiencing intense back pain due to the virus. So, is severe back pain yet another symptom to watch out for? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN, has some answers, so read on. Is Back Pain a Common Symptom of COVID-19? Back pain due to COVID-19 is grouped in with ...

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