Is Heartburn the Same as GERD?

March 27, 2024

Is Heartburn the Same as GERD? Have you found yourself experiencing discomfort after indulging in your favorite foods lately? Perhaps you’ve noticed bloating or a warm sensation creeping up your esophagus after a night out with friends. If so, you might be grappling with heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). What is Heartburn? Heartburn and GERD often share similar symptoms related to eating habits, food choices, or medication intake. Heartburn, scientifically termed gastroesophageal reflux ...

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What’s the difference Between a Cold and a Sinus Infection?

March 9, 2024

What’s the difference Between a Cold and a Sinus Infection? The fields of east Tennessee are beginning to come alive with bits of green popping through the soil and soon, the fields will be bursting with all manner of colorful blooms. Many are joyfully anticipating their first-of-the-season visit to local tulip fields where they can pick vibrant bouquets and tangibly celebrate the arrival of spring. Some of us are expecting with trepidation other signs ...

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