Common Holiday Injuries

December 22, 2023

The holiday season is filled with joy, tradition, and gathering. However, the busy holiday season also brings an increase in injuries. Learn about common injuries that occur around the holidays so that you and your loved ones can stay healthy and safe this holiday season. Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for same-day injury treatment in Aurora, CO. Common Holiday Injuries The holiday season is a joyful time, however, in the hustle and bustle ...

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When to Seek Medical Care for a Burn

December 22, 2023

Burns can happen quickly and unexpectedly. They can be serious injuries that require careful care during the healing process. Learn more about when you should seek medical care for burn treatment to avoid permanent effects. Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for same-day minor burn treatment. How To Identify How Serious Your Burn Is Burns occur when you expose your skin to extremely hot temperatures. There are many different ways in which a burn ...

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