Is it Safe to Fly While Congested?

March 27, 2024

Feeling congested a few hours before flying can be unsettling. Not only are you not feeling well, but, you have to adjust to the pressure and manage your symptoms in a tiny place seat. Although you were probably fine some weeks back when you booked your flight, illness symptoms can occur expectedly. If you’re confused about whether it's safe to fly while congested, keep reading to learn what to do if you’re ...

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What Illnesses Cause Vomiting?

March 27, 2024

Vomiting is a very unpleasant illness symptom that can cause even a healthy adult to be bedridden. It helps the body to remove harmful substances as a response to irregularities in the body. Determining the illnesses that cause vomiting isn't easy because there are a wide variety of conditions that can lead to vomiting. However, early detection and treatment can help you avoid severe symptoms. This article discusses the illnesses that cause vomiting, empowering ...

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