Can I Get a Physical Exam at Urgent Care?

September 13, 2023

Nowadays, urgent care centers have become a valuable resource for addressing instant care. These centers offer various physical examinations for different age groups and medical requirements.

This article will explore the different types of physical exams available at urgent care facilities. It will also explain what to expect during a typical physical examination and the benefits of choosing urgent care for your physical health needs.

Different Types of Physicals Offered at Urgent Care

Urgent care centers are equipped to provide a variety of physical examinations. Each examination caters to specific needs. Here are some common types of physical exams offered:

General Health Check-Up

A general health check-up is a comprehensive physical examination that assesses your overall health. It typically includes measurements of vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature and a medical history review.

Sports Physicals

Sports physicals are often required for participation in school sports or organized athletic activities. These exams assess an individual's physical fitness and identify potential health concerns affecting sports performance.

Pre-Employment Physicals

Many employers require pre-employment physicals to ensure job candidates are physically fit for specific roles. These exams may include drug screenings and evaluations of physical capabilities related to job requirements.

Childhood Immunizations

Urgent care centers often provide childhood immunizations. This ensures that children receive their required vaccines to protect against various diseases.

What to Expect During a Typical Physical Exam

A typical physical examination at an urgent care facility involves the following elements:

Medical History Review

The healthcare provider will ask you about your medical history. It can also question your existing medical conditions, allergies, and medications you're currently taking.

Vital Signs Assessment

Vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature will be measured. This helps to assess your overall health.

Physical Examination

A comprehensive physical examination will be conducted, which may include checking your heart, lungs, abdomen, reflexes, and overall physical condition.

The Benefits Offered by Urgent Care for Getting Physicals

Choosing urgent care for your physical examination needs offers several advantages. These benefits include:

  • Convenience: Urgent care centers offer extended hours. They try to make it easier to schedule physical exams around your busy life.
  • Prompt Service: These centers prioritize efficiency. It ensures that you receive your physical examination promptly without long wait times.
  • Comprehensive Care: Healthcare providers are equipped to offer a wide range of physical exams. This allows you to address multiple healthcare needs in one visit.
  • Cost-Effective: Urgent care physical exams are often more cost-effective than similar services provided at hospitals or specialized clinics, making healthcare more accessible.
  • Walk-In Accessibility: Urgent care centers typically accept walk-in patients. Furthermore, it eliminates the need for appointments and accommodates last-minute needs.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for Walk-In Physicals

AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center offers a wide array of physical examination services. We meet the diverse healthcare needs of individuals across different age groups and lifestyles.

Our team provides a general health check-up, a specialized sports physical, a well-woman exam, and other services. Urgent care facilities provide convenience, prompt service, and cost-effective healthcare solutions. Walk-in today.

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