How to Manage a Sprain at Home

October 31, 2023

Accidents happen, and injuries are a part of life. Among the various injuries you might encounter, sprains are quite common. Sprains can be painful and limiting, but with the proper knowledge regarding self-care, you can expedite healing at home. This guide will walk you through understanding the difference between a sprain and a fracture, help you determine whether a sprain requires medical attention at an urgent care facility, and provide essential tips on caring for a sprain at home.

How to Manage a Sprain at Home

If you wish to learn about sprain and its treatment, this post provides insights to keep you informed. Walk into AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for sprain diagnosis and treatment near Aurora, CO.

The Difference Between a Sprain and a Fracture

Understanding the nature of your injury is the first step in effective care. If you are experiencing symptoms of a sprain or fracture, you should seek medical attention at urgent care for proper diagnosis and treatment. Here are some distinguishing factors for sprains and fractures:


A sprain is an injury to the ligaments, the flexible bands connecting bones. Sprains are commonly caused by a sudden twist of a joint, resulting in pain, swelling, and limited mobility. The affected area may become bruised, and you may experience discomfort when moving the joint.


A fracture, conversely, is a break or crack in the bone. Fractures can be complete, with the bone broken into two or more parts or partially. The symptoms of a fracture include intense pain, deformity, and the inability to bear weight on the affected limb. Unlike a sprain, a fracture is a more severe injury and requires immediate medical attention.

Does a Sprain Need Medical Attention at Urgent Care?

In many cases, a sprain can be managed effectively at home. However, it's essential to recognize situations when seeking medical care at an urgent care facility is warranted. Consider the following factors. You should seek medical attention if the pain is excruciating, doesn't subside with rest and over-the-counter pain relievers, or significantly affects your daily activities. If the injured joint appears deformed, swollen to an extreme degree, or feels unstable, it's a sign that you should consult a healthcare professional. You should seek immediate medical care if you cannot move or bear weight on the injured joint.

How to Care for a Sprain at Home

If you've determined that your sprain does not require immediate medical attention, you can follow these steps to manage it at home. Give the injured joint adequate rest. Avoid putting weight on it, and avoid activities that could worsen the sprain. Apply an ice pack to the affected area for 15-20 minutes every 1-2 hours during the first 48 hours. This will help reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Use an elastic bandage to wrap the injured area snugly but not tightly. Compression helps control swelling and provides support to the sprained ligament.

Get Injury Diagnosis & Treatment at AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center

If your symptoms persist or worsen, AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center is here to help. Our facility features on-site digital X-rays which allows our medical providers to accurately diagnose your injury quickly. Early action can help expedite your healing process. Our clinic accepts walk-in patients and offers short wait times, however, you can schedule an appointment to see one of our medical providers on our website.

If you’re experiencing pain around your joints and think you may be suffering from an injury, walk into our clinic today. We are open 7 days a week from 8am-8pm. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer low-cost care for patients who are paying for their care out of pocket. Walk into the clinic today, or contact us directly for more information about the services we provide.

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