Should I Go To Urgent Care For a 100 Degree Fever?

February 7, 2024

We have all felt the unpleasant effects of a fever. The chills, cold sweats and general feeling of being sick. But what causes a fever, and at what point should you seek medical care if you’re experiencing a fever? Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for same-day illness diagnosis & treatment. Available on a walk in basis for patients in Aurora, CO and the surrounding communities.

What Causes a Fever?

Fevers are a natural immune response that occur when your immune system heats up the tissues in your body to attempt to kill an invading pathogen. Usually, this is in response to an infection. The added heat creates an inhabitable environment for viruses and bacteria, killing the infection. The average human body temperature is 98.6°F. If your infection is mild, your fever will likely only slightly be above average, however a severe fever could result in a temperature over 103°F.

Depending on the cause, fevers can present in many different ways. In most cases, fevers resolve on their own after a day or two. However, fevers can represent a serious threat for anyone who is immunocompromised including the elderly, young children and those with underlying health conditions.

Same-Day Illness Care Near Aurora, CO

Fevers can bring a variety of different symptoms. They typically begin very mild, and may even appear to be a mild illness such as a cold. However, they can progress quickly, which is why it is important to keep an eye on your illness symptoms. Seeking medical care before your symptoms worsen will allow you to begin treatment earlier and hopefully prevent severe symptoms from developing.

Common early symptoms of a fever include:

  • Fatigue
  • Feeling foggy in the head or unable to focus
  • Headache
  • Feeling weak
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills
  • Cold sweats

Fever Diagnosis & Treatment Available in Aurora, CO

If you are experiencing a mild fever that is under 103°F, you should monitor your symptoms closely and seek medical care if they continue to worsen. A 100°F fever that does not worsen may indicate that your body was easily able to fight off the infection in your body. Any fever over 103°F in healthy adults should be evaluated by a medical professional.

Although fevers can be caused by many different kinds of infections, bacterial and viral infections are the most common causes of a fever appearing out of nowhere. Viral infections cannot be treated by a medical provider, your body must fight off the infection on it’s own. Bacterial infections usually require medical care to treat fully. Because of this, it is important to seek medical care to get a medical diagnosis if you have a fever. This can help you start treatment early and avoid more severe symptoms, if necessary.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center for Same-Day Illness Diagnosis & Treatment Near Aurora, CO

Fevers can happen due to a variety of different conditions. For most healthy adults, fevers under 103°F are considered mild and can be managed at home. However, if you are immunocompromised, you should always seek medical care for a fever, even if it’s not over 103°F. At AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center, our medical staff is board-certified and trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of common illnesses. We offer illness care on a walk in basis. Simply walk into the clinic, or pre-register online.

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Our clinic is equipped with a full laboratory on-site, allowing our medical staff to conduct rapid diagnostic testing at the time of your visit and provide a fast and accurate diagnosis for your symptoms. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer affordable care options. Walk in today. For additional information regarding our clinic, please contact us directly by calling (303) 529-1100.

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