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AFC Aurora City Center COVID-19 FAQs and Resources

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COVID-19 FAQs and Resources in Aurora at AFC Urgent Care

The nCoV-2019 Coronavirus virus is a global health crisis. AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center is here to help you

COVID-19 Tests available at AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center:
COVID-19 Antibody Testing

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AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center provides COVID-19 Antibody Testing for patients to determine if their body is currently responding to a COVID-19 infection. Antibody tests can help patients determine if they have a limited immunity to COVID-19, if their body is fighting it off infection though there are no symptoms, and if there is a greater-than-expected risk of COVID-19 cases within a community.

It is important to understand that patients MUST call AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center at (303) 529-1100 in order to get a COVID-19 antibody tests from our providers. Patients will be screened by our providers and given next steps for testing.

If you have any further questions about general COVID-19 testing, policies, or procedures, please contact our team directly at (303) 529-1100. Below are a few explanations on our antibody testing processes and how antibody testing works in general.

COVID-19 Swab Testing

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AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center is providing COVID-19 in order to ensure that patients that are at risks for COVID-19 are able to get an effective and efficient diagnosis. Since COVID-19 is the most pressing global and national healthcare crisis in 2020, we want to do our part to ensure all patients can access testing.

It is important to understand that patients MUST call AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center at (303) 529-1100 in order to get a COVID-19 testing appointment. Patients will be screened by our providers and given next steps for testing.

If you have any further questions about COVID-19 testing, policies, or procedures, please contact our team directly at (303) 529-1100. We’ve provided additional details below to help you understand the need for COVID-19 testing, clinical requirements for testing, and what you can do to get started!

Important: AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center provides COVID-19 Testing for patients that meet the following requirements. However, we can rule out seasonal illness with testing if you don’t meet key COVID-19 testing criteria.

  • If a patient has direct exposure to COVID-19 and has met COVID-19 exposure criteria, then they should be tested by the state department.
  • The testing criteria for COVID-19 includes the following:
  1. Travel to another country in the last 30 days
  2. If you had direct contact with another patient with a confirmed case of COVID-19
  3. If a patient has been exposed to COVID-19 and is shown to be symptomatic

To make it as safe as possible for our patients… If a patient has a known exposure to COVID-19 and becomes symptomatic it is the CDC recommendation as well as the Colorado Public Health Department that they be referred to the emergency department because they have access to the quickest testing. The reality is… we likely won’t see many of these because the health department should already know about them and should be tracking them. It is AFC policy that we follow CDC guidelines for these patients.

Please call the state hotline for immediate help: 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911

Click here to visit the Colorado Department of Public Health

CDC Updates on nCoV-2019

Follow the Centers for Disease Control updates to learn about national preparedness for the coronavirus.

WHO Updates on nCoV-2019

The World Health Organization is leading public awareness and containment efforts related to nC0V-2019 on a global scale.

Media Updates on nCoV-2019

Major media outlets are reporting on the coronavirus at a local and national scale. We've curated Google News reports to provide the most recent information available.

AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center is committed to helping patients learn how to stay safe from coronavirus!

The nCoV-2019 Coronavirus is one of the most dangerous global health crises in 2020. The United States as well as other major countries have declared local pandemics with a likely progression to state of emergencies. Patients must make sure to follow trusted healthcare organizations including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and local healthcare officials including the Colorado Department of Public Health.

AFC Urgent Care Aurora City Center is here to organize and provide you with the best sources of information from authoritative healthcare agencies as well as frequent major media updates. Misinformation from unverified social media sources can cause patients to panic or participate in ineffective prevention methods. Use the following modules and links to learn more!

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