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Don't Let These Summer Health Myths Keep You From Having Fun In The Sun

May 29, 2018

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Summer is almost here, and though many of us are finalizing the plans for our array of adventures and vacations, personal health should still be a major priority. But staying healthy this summer is more than eating a few salads and applying sunscreen. It's about knowing the facts, and unfortunately, there are a number of summer-based misconceptions that can prevent people from making healthy choices. But knowledge is power -- here are just a few of the most common myths about summer health, debunked.
You need to wait half an hour after you eat to go swimming
As one of the oldest summer health myths in the books, this statement is actually very misleading. Though exerting yourself physically too soon after eating can give you cramps, it can't make you sick or have any long term ill effects. If you want to dive into the pool right after lunch, feel free -- just take it easy and float for awhile. The one exception to this rule, of course, is if your meal included alcohol.
Your skin can't get a sunburn on a cloudy day
Though this myth has been addressed in the past, many people are still skeptical of the truth, or at the very least, underestimate it. But the truth hurts -- in this case, sometimes physically, so lather on that sunscreen. Clouds do no good when it comes to blocking UV rays or preventing sunburns.
"This is one myth that, if believed, can have harsh consequences. Even the thickest of clouds do not have the ability to block out UV rays. The sun may be hidden away, but it’s still there and although the breeze may keep you feeling fresh and cool, you are still at risk for sunburn. In fact, some of the worst sunburns occur on cloudy days, when people feel cool enough to stay out all day long," writes Maria Barillaro on Best Health Mag.
Air conditioning can give you a cold
Finally, this is a bit of a ridiculous myth, but it is out there. Your A/C won't give you a cold, but what could weaken your immune system is rapid fluctuations in temperature if you're frequently running back and forth between your refreshing home and the sweltering heat. If you feel any symptoms of a cold, make sure to visit an urgent care facility right away. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey reports that the average ER visitor pays total costs of $1,318 and a mean cost of $615, so an urgent care facility is usually a cheaper and faster alternative.
Ultimately, being aware of these summer-related myths can keep you healthy all season long. For more information about family health care plans or finding an after hours urgent care facility, contact AFC/Doctors Express Cherry Creek.


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