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How Do I Treat Sinus Pain at Home?

August 18, 2023

Sinus infection is not a foreign illness, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), acute sinusitis affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States each year. It is safe to assume that you have a sinus infection whenever you feel a pressure build up in your ear, have a runny nose, and don’t feel good generally. If it is something minor, it resolves within seven to ten days after the first symptom. If advanced, you may need to treat yourself at home or set an appointment with your doctor.

This infection is usually common in the spring season when allergies persist. However, there are simple ways to treat sinus pain all by yourself at home. Continue reading for more information on this.

Sinus Pain Treatment

Here are some simple treatment plans for treating sinus infections if you suspect that you may have it. These treatment plans are capable of easing your pain and inflammation.

Be Aware of Your Triggers

It is important to know the things that trigger your sinus infection. This way, you can be prepared for it ahead. That is, begin using an antihistamine or Neti pot immediately when you sense a cold or sinus pain.

Salt and Water Solution

This is one of the common forms of home treatment for sinus infections that has been tried and tested over the years. This entails using a water and salt solution to flush your nasal passages. For effective results, ensure that you use distilled water only when using a Neti pot.

Nasal Decongestant Spray

Another proven treatment that works is purchasing an over-the-counter nasal decongestant spray. It contains ingredients that can keep the nasal passages moist, unblocking congestion and treating inflammation. Each spray differs in its method of usage. So, be aware of avoiding rebound or, worse nasal congestion.


Staying hydrated when suffering from a sinus infection is very important. You can either take water or juice as you prefer. Drinking a lot of fluid helps to thin your mucus. However, ensure that you don’t take alcoholic or caffeinated beverages because they cause dehydration.

Breathe in Steam

You can create steam from a pot or bowl of not-too-hot water. Then, breathe in the steam to help ease sinus pain and open your nasal passages. You can also take a hot shower or use a warm, wet and lastly, cool towel on your face one after the other in that order.

Rest Well

It is an unspoken rule always to rest well whenever you are sick. Getting plenty of rest helps your body recover. You can use pillows to stay elevated for a more comfortable rest when sleeping.

Spicy Foods

If you can tolerate spicy/hot foods, this is another thing that can help clear your nasal passages. It works effectively if you can tolerate the heat, so add hot sauce, peppers, wasabi or horseradish to your meal.

Vitamin C

Taking Vitamin C is another shot you can take to treat your sinus infection. It helps to fight the infection faster and reduce inflammation. So, up your vitamin C intake if you suspect a sinus infection.

Final Review

If all of the above treatment options do not work as fast or effectively as they should, you can proceed to the nearest local walk-in clinic and urgent care center immediately. Ten days is the maximum duration of self-treatment before proceeding to the doctor for advanced healthcare.


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