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AFC Ghana Outreach Mission

CALL US TODAY | (303) 343-6000

Open 7 Days A Week

Monday - Friday:

8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday:

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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Our yearly trip to Ghana helps address a global need for affordable healthcare

AFC Urgent Care Denver travels to Ghana each year to continue our philanthropic goals of promoting health and wellness to those who need it most. We donate 5% of all medication sales to finance our outreach missions

Each year, AFC Urgent Care Denver travels to Ghana to provide medical care, medications, and crucial preventive care to disadvantaged communities in the country. Our Ghana trip continues our mission to bring medical support, and more importantly hope, to rural communities where healthcare resources are extremely limited.

AFC Urgent Care Aurora Havana, Speer, Aurora Havana, Aurora Havana, and Aurora Havana locations will allocate a 5% of our in-house medicine sales towards our annual cause. It is our way to continue providing medical services to our communities in Denver without asking for extra donations, while also giving the people of Ghana medical services they need to ensure a healthier, and longer life.

The urgent care teams from all of our AFC Urgent Care Denver centers are excited and passionate about our annual trip and ready to help those most in need!

Health Facts and Spending Statistics about Ghana

According to the World Health Organization and the CDC:

  • Ghana spends 3.5% of their GDP on national healthcare. By comparison, the United States spends nearly 10% of their GDP on national healthcare expenses.
  • The country of Ghana spends $145 per person on healthcare expenses annually. Comparatively, the United States spends nearly 10,000 per person.
  • The infant mortality rate in Ghana is 49/1000. In the U.S, that rate is 5/1000.
  • Life expectancy is nearly 10 years younger than in the U.S: 64/64 in Ghana vs. 74/74 in the U.S.

We treat hundreds of in-need patients in Ghana annually.

We expect to see even more. Your healthcare dollars at AFC Urgent Care Aurora Havana, Speer, Aurora Havana, Denver, East, and Aurora Havana go towards friendly, convenient, and high-quality care as well as critical medical services in these villages.

If you have more questions about our services or our trip, please contact any of our AFC locations.

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Don't wait to get the medical attention you need.

CALL US TODAY | (303) 343-6000

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