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Summer Travel Essentials: Staying Healthy on Vacation

July 15, 2023

Traveling during the summer can be really thrilling. Like in winter, a warm cup of coffee brings warmth, playing in the snow or staying in a cozy atmosphere. Summers have their own charm, from ice lollies to cold showers and swims. But while all that fun is going on, don't let bad planning ruin your vacation. Take the help of this guide to pack your summer essentials travel bag. And most importantly, taking care ...

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Summer Safety: Preventing and Treating Common Injuries

July 13, 2023

While summers last, we want to make the most out of it. Going on outdoor adventures, exploring new ideas and places, getting messy, and for some reason, we become much more active than usual in the summertime. But all that brings a risk of injuries and unexpected negative outcomes or incidents. Look at these common injuries that may occur during the process and how these can be prevented to avoid visiting the emergency room. For ...

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Hand Foot and Mouth Disease: What It Looks Like for Adults & Kids

July 2, 2023

What does hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) look like? The symptoms can look different for kids and adults. See what the symptoms can be and how to treat them. What is Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease? HFMD is a common viral illness caused by the enterovirus, most commonly the coxsackievirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the disease primarily affects children under 5, but anyone, including adults, can contract it. It’s typically a mild illness. The disease ...

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