Can you get COVID-19 and the flu at the same time?

August 30, 2022

It’s completely possible to get COVID-19 and the flu at the same time. Both conditions are caused by viruses, and it takes a certain amount of time for your body to fight them off. It’s not common to get both at the same time, but it is still possible. AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock provides treatment and testing for the flu, as well as testing for COVID-19.

AFC Aurora Saddle Rock is open every day of the week. So, if you or your family are in need of weekend COVID testing or weekend flu shots, you can all visit us to take care of your needs. Visit our walk-in center today for care.


Symptoms of the flu and COVID

Symptoms of both the flu and COVID are extremely similar. Doctors and scientists have found that patients infected with either virus can be asymptomatic or range to severe symptoms. Due to their similarities, it can be impossible to know which illness you have based on symptoms alone. It’s possible to spread the virus to other people even without experiencing symptoms.

Common symptoms of both the flu and COVID include:

  • Cough or chest congestion
  • Fever or chills
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Loss or change of taste or smell - more common in COVID

Patients may not experience all of these symptoms at once.


Similarities between COVID and the flu

In addition to the symptoms, COVID and the flu have other similarities as well. These include:

  • Chance of severe symptoms - especially common in those over 65, those with weakened immune systems, and those who are pregnant
  • Potential complications - both viruses can cause potentially fatal complications. They include pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, inflammation in the heart or brain, organ failure, and worsening chronic conditions.
  • Transmission - both conditions are airborne and spread through respiratory droplets
  • Vaccines - both the flu and COVID have available vaccinations that are readily available.


Differences between COVID and the flu

While there is a long list of similarities between the two viruses, there are also very distinct differences as well. Some of these differences include:

  • Risk of severe symptoms - patients are more likely to suffer from severe symptoms with COVID compared to the flu.
  • Complications - while complications may occur, with the flu, you’re more likely to suffer from bacterial infections, and with COVID, you’re more likely to suffer from blood clots and post-COVID symptoms.
  • Transmission rate - COVID is more easily transmissible than the flu. Certain events have been found to infect more people with COVID than the flu
  • Treatment - There are more FDA-approved antiviral treatments for the flu than for COVID. There are currently emerging treatments for COVID.


How likely am I to get COVID and the flu at the same time?

There is a 0.4% chance of getting both COVID and the flu at the same time. In Asia, however, that rate is about 4.5%. As for the rest of the world, scientists are still figuring out the more accurate number, but they estimate it is around 1.2%.

Scientists have conducted reports throughout 2021, and while more studies are needed, it is safe to assume getting both conditions is rare.

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