How to Quickly Recover From Food Poisoning

June 26, 2023

Food poisoning can be distressing, but prioritizing hydration, rest, and dietary adjustments can speed up recovery and improve overall well-being. Seeking medical attention if needed is crucial.

Stay hydrated during food poisoning recovery to prevent dehydration and restore electrolyte balance. Replace lost fluids with water, clear broths, or rehydration solutions, avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, and take frequent sips to ease stomach burden. It is necessary to prioritize rest and sleep to reduce strain on the digestive system and improve overall health. Avoid strenuous activities and prioritize rest to ensure effective healing.

For same-day food poisoning diagnosis and treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock– open seven days a week!

Causes of Food Borne Illness

Consuming contaminated food or drinks results in foodborne diseases. Foodborne infections have a variety of causes, such as:

Bacteria, including pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, and Listeria, cause foodborne illnesses through improper handling, cooking, and cross-contamination.

Food poisoning from norovirus, hepatitis A, and rotavirus can occur due to infected handlers and contaminated water sources.

Parasites in food and water sources cause foodborne illnesses; undercooked or contaminated meat, seafood, fruits, and vegetables can lead to infections.

Toxins and chemicals from bacteria, pesticides, heavy metals, and additives can cause foodborne illnesses when consumed in high amounts.

Foodborne illnesses may result from allergic reactions to common allergens, causing severe reactions and potential food allergies.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Depending on the exact organism, virus, parasite, or toxin at play, the signs of food poisoning can change. However, typical signs of food poisoning usually consist of the following:

  •  Nausea and vomiting
  •  Diarrhea or dysentery
  •  Abdominal cramps and pain
  •  Fever
  •  Fatigue and weakness
  •  Headache
  •  Muscles aches

A Quick Remedy and Treatment of Food Poisoning

Food poisoning symptoms can be relieved with supportive remedies, but they should not replace medical advice or treatment. Seeking medical attention is crucial for severe or persistent symptoms.

Prevent dehydration by resupplying lost fluids with clear, electrolyte-rich beverages and avoiding caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.

Allow sufficient rest for recovery, avoid strenuous activities, and conserve energy.

BRAT diet: Choose bland, easily digestible foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast for gentle stomach nourishment without stress.

Probiotics, found in supplements and foods, support gut health and gut balance during recovery.

Over-the-counter medications like antidiarrheals and antacids may temporarily relieve symptoms, but consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if pre-existing.

When to Call for an Emergency?

Food poisoning can be managed at home, but you should call an emergency in the following states:

Breathing difficulties may indicate an allergic reaction or food poisoning complications; seek medical assistance immediately.

Severe dehydration symptoms include low fluid intake, dizziness, and sunken eyes, requiring immediate medical attention for severe conditions.

Persistent high fever without medication or prolonged duration may indicate severe infection or complication. A patient should be hospitalized in such a case.

Severe neurological symptoms suggest food poisoning or toxin exposure, requiring emergency medical care.

Gastrointestinal bleeding and severe infection symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, confusion, headache, stiff neck, or decreased urine output, require immediate medical attention.


Recovering from food poisoning requires self-care measures and medical attention. Prioritizing hydration, rest, and a bland diet can alleviate symptoms and support the body's healing process. Rehydration solutions and probiotics can help restore gut health. Monitoring symptoms closely and seeking medical attention is crucial.

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