Signs That You May Have Pneumonia

November 1, 2023

During the winter months, mild symptoms such as coughing, congestion and sneezing are common. But, it is possible that some of these symptoms could point to a severe illness that will require medical intervention, such as pneumonia. Learn about the early symptoms of pneumonia and treatment options available for it at urgent care.

Causes & Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious infection that affects the lungs. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection, however, it can originate in several different ways. You can contract pneumonia from someone who is already sick with the infection by breathing the infection. When someone who is sick with pneumonia and they sneeze, talk or cough, they are spreading their infection into the air for others to breath in. Alternatively, pneumonia can be a secondary illness which occurs following another illness like mono or the flu due to lack of treatment.

Common symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • Cough (dry or productive are possible)
  • Fever
  • Chest tightness
  • Congestion
  • Wheezing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Loss of appetite

Pneumonia can be severe for the elderly or young children which is why it is important to be aware of the early symptoms so that you can seek diagnosis and treatment before symptoms become severe.

Walking Pneumonia vs Pneumonia

Walking pneumonia is a nickname given to more mild cases of pneumonia. The term ‘walking’ comes from the fact that symptoms are often less dehabilitating in cases of walking pneumonia compared to regular pneumonia. In rare cases, walking pneumonia can develop into regular pneumonia.

The symptoms of walking pneumonia are similar to those of regular pneumonia, except they tend to be less severe in nature. However, although the symptoms are less severe in nature than regular pneumonia, the recovery time from walking pneumonia is often much longer and can reach over a month. Symptoms often include a very dry and painful cough, sore throat and vomitting - in addition to the regular signs and symptoms of pneumonia.

Does Pneumonia Require Medical Treatment?

Pneumonia is a severe lung infection that will require proper diagnosis and medical treatment to resolve. Without medical intervention, pneumonia can worsen and cause permanent damage to your lungs. It is important to seek immediate medical evaluation if you believe you are suffering from pneumonia so that you can get the treatment that you need to recover.

The diagnosis of pneumonia usually includes a chest x-ray to check for lung congestion, as well as a blood test. If you’re medical provider finds evidence of pneumonia, it likely can be treated with a course of prescription antibiotics. With the help of antibiotics, symptoms of pneumonia will start resolving in around a week, although some symptoms such as chest pain may linger for multiple weeks.

Get Same-Day Illness Diagnosis & Treatment by Visiting AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock

If you believe you may be suffering from pneumonia, it is vital to seek early medical intervention for professional diagnosis. Early treatment can help prevent symptoms from worsening. At AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock, our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with an on-site laboratory and x-ray suite so that our medical providers can quickly and accurately diagnose your illness and provide treatment options. Simply walk into our clinic for care, or pre-register your visit online.

AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock is open 7 days a week with extended business hours, making receiving quality medical care easier than ever. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer low-cost care options. Get the care that you need, when you need it by visiting AFC Urgent Care Aurora Saddle Rock. For more information regarding our clinic, please contact our medical staff directly.

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