What Should I Bring To My Child's School Physical?

August 31, 2023

It’s back to school season again and all the little youngsters are preparing to go be great at school. But of course the school is going to ask for a physical exam even if your little superstar is as healthy as a horse. Getting everything you’ll need to bring for your kiddie’s physical as simple as it sounds may be a bit of a challenge, especially if it’s your first time and you don’t even know what you should bring along. So why don’t we tell you everything you should bring for a stress free physical?

What Should You Bring To A School Physical?

The first thing we'll tackle is gathering your little superstar’s important health records like past physical exams, immunization records which need to be up-to-date, and any pertinent medical history. Now, some of this may be scattered between your files at home, what the pediatrician has on record, and what the school already has from prior years. So our advice would be to start by calling Johnny's doctor's office and asking them to prepare a full summary packet for you to pick up or have mailed over. First, locate the binder containing the child's medical records. Verify vaccinations are up to date, as the school will need to see those. Don't forget to bring along insurance information too, just in case, you never know. Also jot down any medications, vitamins or supplements currently being taken so the doctor is informed.

If you don’t want to be left speechless at the physical, it's also smart to compile a list of questions before arriving. Perhaps your little one has complained of knee pain recently or has been getting excessively tired these days - the doc can address these concerns during the visit. As a parent, you should openly discuss any changes you’ve noticed in your child, no matter how small, that’s really what these physical checkups are all about. They just want to catch everything.

What Should You Expect At A School Physical?

If this is your first physical, physicals are nothing out of this world. At the appointment, expect standard exam procedures. Vitals like height, weight will be recorded. The doctor listens to the heart and lungs. An ear, throat and eye exam likely occurs too. A full physical assessment ensures muscles and reflexes function properly.

The Benefits Of Getting A School Physical At Urgent Care

Worth noting - many schools permit the physical through urgent care instead of just a primary doctor. Why is urgent care better? For starters, extended evening and weekend hours accommodate all schedules.

Wait times also tend to be much shorter versus doctor offices. As urgent care is accustomed to routine exams, providers can fill out any required forms or paperwork prior to leaving. Problem solved quickly!

In summary, gather records in advance. Prepare questions to ask. Then select urgent care for a seamless, time-efficient school physical. Parents should feel at ease discussing health inquiries openly with medical staff.


Getting a yearly wellness exam through a comprehensive school physical helps ensure children remain healthy and able to learn. While the process may cause some apprehension for young students, parents can help make the experience seamless by coming fully prepared with all necessary documentation and health history details. Urgent care centers provide a convenient alternative to standard doctors' offices through flexible appointment times that fit busy families. Their efficient exams allow potential issues to be addressed right away. Overall, open communication between parents, providers, and children helps physicals achieve their goal of supporting students' well-being. With a little planning, school check ups need not be a chore but rather a simple part of responsible healthcare maintenance.

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