Do I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder or Depression?

February 1, 2023

Your mental health is a crucial part of your overall well-being. This is especially true in the winter months when our lifestyles change up and we spend more time indoors. While some of us get through the season by looking forward to summer, the winter season can cause the appearance of seasonal affective disorder for others. Mild periods of sadness throughout the year are common and usually nothing to be concerned about. However, if your ...

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Does the Flu Come on Suddenly?

January 15, 2023

Influenza is certainly making itself comfortable across the nation this season. Because of the large number of flu cases this year, it is important to refresh your memory about the symptoms to be on the lookout for during the remainder of the winter months. In addition to getting your annual flu shot as soon as possible, we also encourage everyone in your family to practice proper hand hygiene and stay home when sick. Our AFC ...

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How Do I Know If I Have an Infection?

January 1, 2023

Are you feeling under the weather? At this point during the season, it is not uncommon to experience an illness (or two) by now. Getting sick is never convenient, so when you do fall ill, it is important to know what you are suffering from so you can seek the proper treatment. Infections can be viral or bacterial, and each situation requires a different treatment plan. Check out AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne’s latest blog ...

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What Body Temperature Indicates a Fever?

December 13, 2022

With so many illnesses circulating about, chances are either you or someone in your household has been sick recently. While all these illnesses can produce different symptoms, one common symptom is a fever. Our bodies naturally experience fevers in order to fight against infection and are actually working to help you feel better! Our AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne team explains the benefits of fevers below, so keep reading. How Does a Fever Help You Heal ...

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What Are the Benefits of a Yearly Flu Shot?

December 1, 2022

Getting a flu shot at the start of every flu season is recommended for all eligible people 6 months and older. It can prevent you from getting sick altogether and it can keep you from getting seriously sick if you do end up coming down with influenza. We are so pleased to offer the flu vaccine to our community! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne can provide you with protection from the flu today ...

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What Kinds of Headaches Are Serious?

November 15, 2022

Chances are that you have probably had at least one headache in your lifetime. Headaches can be caused by so many different things that they are one of the most common ailments! In the majority of cases, headaches are caused by minor issues and can be remedied at home. However, in rare circumstances, headaches may indicate a serious medical condition that requires emergency assistance right away. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne team ...

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When Should I Suspect RSV in My Baby?

November 1, 2022

The weather is cooling down, the holidays are right around the corner, and cold and flu season is ramping up! Getting sick is never on anyone’s to-do list, but this time of year is the perfect environment for multiple illnesses to thrive. One illness that you need to watch out for in your home is respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. This virus has the potential to make your infant or small child really sick ...

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What Happens When You Take Antibiotics?

October 15, 2022

Did you know that prescription antibiotics have been around for less than 100 years? Before that, developing a bacterial infection was incredibly deadly! A third of all deaths back then were attributed to complications due to an infection. We are so thankful for antibiotics. Nowadays, a quick prescription can have you feeling back to normal in no time. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne shares the details about antibiotics below. How ...

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What Does It Feel Like to Have Vertigo?

October 3, 2022

A vertigo attack can appear suddenly and be debilitating. It is much more than just a simple dizziness from time to time! Instead, vertigo makes your world spin around you and your entire surroundings can shift before your eyes and seemingly beneath your feet. While your environment is spinning, it can be hard to accomplish anything or simply move through your day. While vertigo can be a diagnosis, it is important to note that vertigo ...

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Does Sciatica Resolve on Its Own?

September 15, 2022

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition that can limit your ability to function normally. The burning or shooting pain it causes can make it hard to walk or sit comfortably. The good news is that most cases of sciatica will resolve on their own in time, but you may just be uncomfortable until it goes away. Our staff at AFC Urgent Care Ballantyne want you to feel better quickly and offers some helpful info on ...

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