How to Manage Your Seasonal Allergies

April 9, 2019

" Seasonal allergies are very common for both children and adults in the United States. According to the CDC, more than 24 million people in the U.S suffer from seasonal allergies. As the spring season begins to peak, seasonal allergies like hay fever are likely to become more cumbersome for patients. During the spring and early summer, dry and windy air is more likely to spread out common allergy trigger much further including pollen, dust ...

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What are the benefits of STD testing?

March 18, 2019

" According to the CDC, there are over 2.6 million cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) annually in the U.S. STD testing is an important medical service that most adults should participate in multiple times during their life. Getting a screening is key for detecting these conditions early and trying to coordination treatment as soon as possible. However, the direct health benefits are not always clear about getting ...

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Fitness Basics to Help Improve Overall Health

March 17, 2019

" Fitness is more than just a social media fad or a way to improve your looks. A carefully planned fitness regime is a great way to improve your overall health. The most significant health benefits of a fitness routine include improved heart health, lowered obesity, increased energy, increased strength and endurance, and ultimately a longer and healthier life. However, beginning a new fitness routine may not be easy. Fitness beginners or those who struggle to ...

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Mass. Public Health Updates to Keep Aware of: Feb. 2019

February 12, 2019

" At AFC Bedford, we strive to do everything in our power to keep you and your family healthy and safe. Besides providing high-quality and affordable urgent care services, we also are here to educate you on the latest public health updates happening across Massachusetts. The winter in Massachusetts has become increasingly flu-heavy as flu cases are growing rapidly in many parts of the state. Make sure you get your flu shot and practice good hygiene ...

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Keep your Heart Health in Check for American Heart Month!

February 4, 2019

" February is American Heart Month and is the perfect time for friends, family, medical communities, and other groups to promote awareness of cardiac health risks, including heart disease. According to the CDC, nearly one in three Americans has high blood cholesterol that increases their risk of developing chronic heart disease later on in life. While the CDC is helping to educate the public on the risks of high blood cholesterol, patients can make sure they ...

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Reasons Everyone in Your Family Should Get the Flu Shot

January 23, 2019

" Influenza is miserable, no matter how you slice it. Between dealing with a fever, chills, and achy muscles all over your body, it’s enough to drive a person crazy. Fortunately, the flu shot is a relatively effective way of avoiding this annoying ailment that is most prevalent during the winter months. You might be wondering, though, if it’s worthwhile for everyone in your household to get the flu shot each year. In this ...

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A Guide to Preventing Wintertime Slips and Falls

January 23, 2019

" During the winter months, the weather outside is equally frigid and frightful. Even though it can be pretty from inside a warm, cozy house, it can be downright hazardous to venture outdoors. Elderly people with mobility problems are at the highest risk, but even the most able-bodied individuals can fall when roads and walkways covered in ice and snow. This guide features some helpful tips that will make it easier for you to stay physically ...

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Why You Shouldn’t Restrict Your Holiday Treats

December 28, 2018

" No matter what holiday you’re celebrating, there’s no doubt that there’s a fair number of festive treats involved. If you’ve been trying to lose weight or get healthy, those tables filled with treats are probably more temptation than you’ve allowed yourself to face in a long while. Trying to restrict over the holidays is stressful, but lucky for you we have a list of reasons why you shouldn’t restrict ...

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What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Head Cold?

November 21, 2018

" The head cold, also known as the common cold, is usually normal to catch during the cold and flu season, but having it can impact your daily life. Bouts of coughing, sneezing, and a pounding headache can leave you feeling tired and rundown for a few days. While most colds are mild and can last for generally a week, people who are easily susceptible and have weak immune systems can develop more serious illnesses such ...

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Occupational Healthcare – Caring for Employees and Employers

November 7, 2018

" Occupational Health refers to the many disciplines devoted to the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace, often concentrating on injury prevention. Even with solid practices in place, accidents do occur, and having an experienced occupational healthcare provider you trust can make all the difference. Workplace injuries can result in lost time, indemnity costs, and lower productivity for an employer. Studies have shown that the same workplace injury can have catastrophic consequences to the ...

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