How to Spot the Flu

October 31, 2018

" The day you noticed flu symptoms probably started like any other day – you get the kids off to school, head over the office, and next thing you know, you notice a tickle in your throat. The chills might come next. Now you think, “Could I have the flu?” While you may have done everything you could to protect yourself against the flu including getting your annual flu shot, practicing good hygiene, getting a full night ...

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Family Health and Fitness

October 15, 2018

" Did you know that the family is the most important social influence for physical activity? Research shows that children of active parents are 5.8 times more likely to engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Today, most children do not meet the recommended amount of daily exercise, which is crucial to healthy growth and development. To get your kids moving, it’s important that you’re moving too! Here are a few fun ...

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Check Your Children For Asthma

August 30, 2018

" Diagnosing asthma in children is important to ensure proper treatment and care of the condition. If asthma is left untreated, it could cause dire consequences. Having a better understanding of what asthma is can help keep your little ones health. Let’s learn a little more about how asthma could be detected in your child. Review Medical history Before trying to diagnose or treat your child, your child’s providerwill want to know more about ...

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5 Back to School Safety Tips

August 30, 2018

" Summer is almost over and it is time to switch gears and start thinking about your kids going back to school! If your kids are about to enter grade school for the first time, this can be a very emotional and nerve-racking time leaving your child for the majority of the day. If your kids have been in grade school, you should still use these back to school safety tips for the new year! 1 ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito’s This Summer

July 20, 2018

" Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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Poison Ivy: Signs, Symptoms and Precautions

June 27, 2018

" Poison ivy is the most common allergy in the United States, affecting about 50 million people every year. The rash from poison ivy is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol, an oily substance in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, through direct contact. Urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison sumac, which means the rash can be contracted by interacting with any of the three plants. Other than direct contact ...

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The Nose Knows When It Comes To Seasonal Allergies

May 30, 2018

" When it comes to treating your seasonal allergies with home remedies, there’s usually more fiction than fact. There are healing claims about everything from apple cider vinegar to local bee pollen. The doctors at American Family Care understand that not everyone wants to grab a drug off of the pharmacy counter, but people want to be able to breathe too! So are there any proven natural remedies that the doctors here at AFC can ...

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Is It A Cold or Allergies: A Worried Parent’s Guide

May 21, 2018

" Life might be easier if kids came with an instruction book. Most parents usually have enough questions to fill one and it can be extra difficult when your child is looking to you for answers and you don’t have any. That is especially true when they don’t feel good. All they want is for you to “fix it and make it better” but that’s hard to do when you aren’t so ...

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Allergens Hiding in Your Home

May 16, 2018

" Many allergy sufferers feel they are waging a battle with the great outdoors this spring season, trying to keep watery eyes, runny noses and itchy throats from keeping them down. But the truth is, allergies can be triggered just as much by allergens hiding inside your home as they can by the ones outdoors. Before you lock yourself indoors to avoid the spring allergy season, the team at American Family Care wants to make you ...

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Allergy Alternative? A Little Exercise RX

May 8, 2018

" When you have that miserable, stuffy, sneezy, stopped-up feeling from allergies, all you really feel like doing is climbing into bed or relaxing on the couch and taking whatever your doctor has prescribed. Probably the last thing on your mind is exercising! How can you run when you can’t breathe? How do you stretch when you’re sneezing all the time? The experts at American Family Care say a mix of the traditional and ...

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