Preventing Heat Injuries for the Elderly

August 8, 2017

" Summertime temperatures can pose a threat for all – especially the elderly. Due to how the body naturally changes with age, older adults are at greater risk for heat-related injuries. Society harps on young adults for the importance of sunscreen, staying hydrated and other health precautions during the warm season, but have we truly considered how rising temperatures drastically affect the elderly? AFC Urgent Care Bedford wants you to be educated on the preventive measures, symptoms ...

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Grilling Good Times with Safety on the Menu

July 21, 2017

" After being cooped up in the house all winter, it’s only natural to want to get outside with family and friends and enjoy some outdoor recreation. That usually means a tasty meal cooked on an outdoor grill with plenty of cool drinks to wash it all down. As carefree as it might sound, it’s not without a few risks. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 16,600 patients sought emergency room ...

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What Sends People to Urgent Care in the Summer?

July 21, 2017

" Summer is a busy time for urgent care centers. Learn how you can avoid some of the most common summer injuries while you have your fun in the sun.   Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year! With vacations, backyard barbecues, fireworks shows and more to look forward to, there’s lots of fun to be had during the warm summer months. But while you’re having a blast with your family ...

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School’s Out! The Best (and Healthiest) Summer Activities for You and Your Kids

July 7, 2017

" Summertime – the kids are home with loads of free time! They may feel inclined to relax on the couch until school starts up again in the fall, but don’t let them miss out on the lively energy of those summer months. AFC Urgent Care Bedford encourages parents and kids to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time getting active this summer. Here are several healthy activities that you and your little ...

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How Allergies Can Affect You Long-Term

May 23, 2017

" Allergies may not seem like a significant illness that needs immediate treatment, but ignoring your symptoms can have serious, long-lasting effects. If left untreated, allergies can greatly affect your quality of life; you may suffer from increased risk of health problems, decreased brain function and even mood instability. Early treatment is key to avoiding allergy-related health problems later down the road, and AFC Urgent Care Bedford has just what you need to make it through ...

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Five Cleaning Tips to Help Reduce Spring Allergies

May 12, 2017

" Spring cleaning is typically meant to help us shed the dust and dirt we’ve accumulated over the course of a cold winter inside. But for seasonal allergy sufferers, spring cleaning can be like medicine. How, you might ask? By getting rid of the allergens that causes seasonal allergy suffering. If your seasonal allergies are kicking up, try these cleaning tips from AFC Urgent Care Bedford to get some relief!   Use High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters ...

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How to Help Your Kids with Seasonal Allergies

April 25, 2017

" Seasonal allergies affect a lot of people in the springtime. As soon as the trees begin to bloom, many people are met with sniffling noses, watery eyes and endless coughing, among other symptoms. It can be hard to deal with your own allergies, but when your kids get allergies, it’s especially tough. Here are some tips from AFC Urgent Care Bedford to help your kids beat their seasonal allergies:   Keep it clean If your ...

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Your Month-By-Month Allergy Guide

April 7, 2017

" If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know that the months when your allergen is most active in the air can be the most awful of the year. But allergies are unique to each individual, so a seasonal allergy sufferer can actually experience the worst symptoms any time of the year. Here’s a month-by-month guide to which allergens become prevalent when, so you can know when to visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford for allergy ...

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What Causes Allergy Symptoms?

March 30, 2017

" Seasonal allergy sufferers know that the first dustings of pollen mean their noses and eyes are about to be assaulted with agonizing allergy symptoms. Seasonal allergies can make it seem like the body is waging a war against itself, and it’s not pretty. Sneezing, runny noses, sinus congestion and itchy, watery eyes are all manifestations of springtime bodily revolt. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, approximately 50 million Americans suffer ...

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Allergy Season Begins

March 20, 2017

" Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and birds are chirping. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, “Ah, spring,” might soon turn into “Ah-choo, spring!” Seasonal allergies, sometimes called hay fever, are allergy symptoms that happen during certain times of the year, usually when outdoor plants release their spores. Trees, grasses and weeds are all releasing pollen into the air. These spores and pollen can cause congestion, cough and sneezing in people with ...

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