Tips for Protecting Your Skin During Winter

December 20, 2023

With winter upon us, the effects of the colder weather and increased time indoors can wreak havoc on your skin. Luckily, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can protect your skin from damage this winter. Learn about why winter weather is so damaging to your skin and how to protect it. Visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford for same-day health and wellness services. Why Does Our Skin Dry Out During Winter Winter weather tends ...

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Winter Hydration: Why Aren't We Thirsty In the Winter?

December 20, 2023

Over 60% of our body is made up of water. This number can vary depending on our lifestyle habits, however, decreasing the amount of water in your body can have detrimental health effects. During the cold winter months, we don’t always crave water the same way that we do when it’s hot outside. Learn about why this happens and how to ensure you’re staying hydrated this winter. Visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford ...

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Why Am I Congested?

November 10, 2023

During the cooler months of fall and winter, illnesses tend to become more common and more severe. However, many illnesses have similar early symptoms, making it difficult to understand whether you are suffering from a serious illness or just a common cold. Early diagnosis is the key to a quick recovery. Learn about early illness symptoms such as congestion to ensure you can get medical treatment when necessary. Common Fall Illnesses to Watch Out For ...

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Is November Too Late to Get the Flu Vaccine?

November 10, 2023

With cold and flu season upon us, it is important to take preventative measures to avoid getting sick. The flu shot is a great way to protect yourself from severe flu symptoms this fall. Learn about when to get the flu shot and what the side effects are. Benefits of Getting the Flu Vaccine During the busy fall months, it can be difficult to keep track of your health. But, with cold and flu season ...

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What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns

November 7, 2023

What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns So, what are the degrees of burns? If you’ve been wondering how to identify burns, we’ve got the answers for you. Burns are a common injury that can occur from various sources, including hot liquids, fire, chemicals, and sun exposure. Depending on the severity of the burn, it can range from a minor inconvenience to a life-threatening emergency. Therefore, it is crucial ...

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Does The Flu Cause Ear Pain?

October 31, 2023

Influenza, a common viral infection, is notorious for its wide range of symptoms, from fever and cough to body aches and fatigue. However, what about ear pain? Can the flu cause discomfort or pain in our ears? Understanding the symptoms of the flu is important so you can recognize the early symptoms of the flu and get the medical care that you need. For same-day symptom diagnosis and treatment near Bedford, MA, walk into AFC ...

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Tips to Keep Your Home Illness-Free this Fall

October 31, 2023

Fall is undoubtedly a season of beauty and transformation. It's also a time when many common illnesses can knock at our door. The shift in weather and the inevitable arrival of cold and flu season can challenge our overall well-being. That's why preparing early and understanding how to avoid common fall illnesses is crucial. From understanding the common fall ailments to implementing meticulous hygiene routines and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this guide will ...

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Why Are My Sinus Symptoms Worse in the Fall?

September 11, 2023

Ah, fall—the season of cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and colorful foliage. But for some of us, it also means the return of sinus troubles. Have you ever wondered why your sinus symptoms worsen as the leaves start to fall? Let's delve into this autumnal enigma and explore the causes, triggers, and when to seek medical help. Sinus Infection Causes and Symptoms Sinus is air-filled cavities in our skull that help filter the ...

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Preventive Health Screening Tests You Should Consider

September 11, 2023

When it comes to your health, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preventive care is all about staying ahead of potential health issues by identifying and addressing them early on. It's like giving your body a regular check-up to catch any problems before they become major concerns. Read further to learn more about preventive health screening tests. What Is Preventive Care? Preventive care is a proactive approach to health management ...

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Stay Active, Stay Safe: Sports Injury Prevention Tips

August 14, 2023

As soon as the autumn air rolls in, the urge to embrace the fall sports season is immeasurable. Playing a sport, whether a pro or an amateur, can bring joy, relief and a sense of achievement. However, with joy and accomplishment comes the risk of getting injured. In this blog, we will see what common sports injuries arise in the fall season and how you can prevent or get treatment at an urgent care center ...

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