Check Your Children For Asthma

August 30, 2018


Diagnosing asthma in children is important to ensure proper treatment and care of the condition. If asthma is left untreated, it could cause dire consequences. Having a better understanding of what asthma is can help keep your little ones health.

Let’s learn a little more about how asthma could be detected in your child.

Review Medical history

Before trying to diagnose or treat your child, your child’s providerwill want to know more about the symptoms and environments that may have caused a reaction.

The providerwill ask about triggers including:

  • Smoke Exposure
  • Allergen Exposure
  • Airborne Irritants
  • And more

Most of the time they will ask your child to describe the symptoms that they have been experiencing. It is also important to let the doctors know of any family history with any asthma-related diseases.

Get Your Child’s Physical Performed

To determine the cause of your child’s symptoms, a doctor will recommend giving your child a physical.

Depending on the symptoms mentioned, this exam will vary slightly. It will likely include a check of the ears, nose, throat, and lungs for any signs of breathing problems or congestion. They might have your child breathe into a device that measures the capacity of air they can hold in their lungs.

If your child fails any test the doctors will most likely subscribe an inhaler. An inhaler is a very normal treatment for asthma that should not be concerning; the doctors will call you back later and see if any results have changed.

The doctor may also challenge your child with a physical activity or certain inhaled substances that could trigger asthma-like symptoms to look for signs of the condition. These test should not be performed at home but instead, in front of the providers in case anything happens.

How to treat asthma

Generally, asthma is treated with an inhaler containing a medication that slows or stops the symptoms of asthma. Your child should carry this inhaler with them at all times and use it as directed by their providerin the event of an asthma attack.


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