Healthy Thanksgiving Activities for the Family

November 20, 2019


Thanksgiving is usually associated with big turkey meals, tasty side dishes, and festive desserts. The holiday is a great time to share in a bountiful meal with the family, but it is also important to keep up with positive health and wellness habits.

As the seasons get colder, it becomes harder to get outside and stay active. Additionally, those big turkey dinners can cause sleepiness and make it less likely you’ll stay fit and active (due to tryptophan in the turkey)! But it is possible to keep your Thanksgiving both healthy and festive with a few health-focused Thanksgiving activities for the whole family.

As a reminder, in the event that you need urgent care this holiday season make sure you visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford for cold and flu treatment, injury care, and other immediate healthcare needs! However, staying healthy and active is a breeze with these fun and fitness-focused ideas this Thanksgiving!

A Thanksgiving pickup football game

As football plays on the TV this Thanksgiving, why not host your own football game with the whole family? A pickup game of football is a great way to get everyone outside and participating in a Thanksgiving-themed event!

We recommend that you play two-hand touch football to avoid any sudden injuries. Also make sure you change up the pace of play so that all your family members get a chance to pass, punt, and score an exciting T-day touchdown!

Go on a turkey trot or fun run!

In some towns and cities, there is annual turkey trot or themed race to get everyone jogging on Thanksgiving morning! A run is a great way to get ready for your big meal while also getting in some exercise and burning a few extra calories.

Most turkey trots are themed which means runners of all skills and competencies are encourage to participate! People can walk, wear costumes, and engage in other fun ways to participate!

If there is no fun run, why do start one with your family? A simple jog or quick run can get everyone energized and ready for a great Thanksgiving morning and dinner!

A Thanksgiving hike gets everyone moving

A early or midday hike is also a great Thanksgiving idea to ensure the family is staying healthy and exercising. A hike encourages everyone to briskly walk and bond with one another, which can help everyone appreciate the time spent with family.

Additionally, a hike can help calm down everyone from a hectic holiday season and focus on what matters: spending time with those you care about most!


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