Holiday Travel Safety during COVID

November 24, 2020


Traveling this holiday season has an added level of concern – COVID-19. With cases spiking all over the United States, the risk of contracting the virus is higher than ever. If you are planning to travel this season, take extra precautions when going from destination to destination. This is the only way to truly keep yourself and your loved ones safe this season. There is currently no vaccine for COVID, and the only way to know for certain if you are positive is by getting tested. AFC Urgent Care Bedford offers rapid COVID testing with results available the next day.

Public Transportation

Taking public transportation such as planes or buses can increase your chances of contracting COVID. Standing too close to someone who is infected or touching the same surfaces without washing your hands are just some of the ways you can catch it. Try and maintain a six-foot distance from those around you, and do not lower your mask unless instructed to do so by an official. Wash your hands before going anywhere and after getting to your destination. Any chance you have to wash your hands, take it. Always check the requirements of the state you are traveling to or from. Some states have specific regulations set in place to help slow the spread.

Staying Overnight

If staying overnight somewhere while traveling, try and maintain a distance from others in the house during your stay. Go outdoors as much as possible to improve air ventilation. Wash your hands immediately upon arrival, and keep all of your belongings together in your room. If there are pets in the family, wash your hands before and after petting them, and avoid putting your face near theirs. Try and avoid participating in any activities that are indoors, or do not allow for masks or social distancing. If staying in a hotel, check what precautions they are taking before arrival. Avoid hanging out in high traffic areas, such as recreation areas or lobbies.

Large Gatherings

Large gatherings should be avoided at all costs. Try and schedule dinners with only the people in your household. If these gatherings cannot be avoided, try and keep all activities outside, and do not have close contact with anyone. Bringing or providing disposable utensils can help eliminate the number of people who touch forks or plates. Do not share any food or beverages with anyone. Wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth throughout the event will help keep yourself and others safe.


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