Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

March 24, 2021


Seasonal allergies occur primarily in the Spring and Fall seasons. Allergens, such as pollen, trigger the immune system to respond by releasing histamines. These are used to fight allergens, and they trigger allergy symptoms. AFC Urgent Care Bedford can provide allergy treatment to any patient that may need it. Be sure to speak with our physicians about all of your symptoms and what may be causing the allergic reactions.

Symptoms of Allergies

Allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe. The most common symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Ear congestion

Allergies can also cause headaches, wheezing, or shortness of breath, but these symptoms are less common. If you experience a fever or cough, it is possible you may have the flu or a cold. Speak with our of our physicians to get a proper diagnosis.

Causes & Allergy Triggers

The cause of allergies depends on the time of year. For example, in Spring, trees are the most common allergen due to the pollen they give off. In the Summer, the grass is the most common allergen trigger. Hay fever is primarily caused by grass and weeds.

In the fall, ragweed is the number one culprit. It is found in more than 40 species and can cause severe allergic reactions. When it gets colder, many plants that cause allergies are not thriving as they are in the warmer months. However, people are spending more time inside, so those who are allergic to dust or pet dander are more likely to suffer.

Prevention Tips

Preventing allergy attacks depends on the type of allergies a person has. In Winter, it’s important to wash bed sheets in hot water and remove stuffed animals from children’s rooms to avoid harboring dust. Clean up potentially moldy surfaces such as refrigerators, humidifiers, or air conditioners.

In the warmer months, the best way to prevent attacks is to avoid going outside when pollen counts are high. Try to keep your windows closed and limit your time outdoors during these times. Additionally, instead of a ceiling fan, use an air conditioner to help purify the air instead of spreading pollen around. Smoking cigarettes can also aggravate symptoms.

OTC medications, such as antihistamines, can help to control symptoms throughout the day. Additionally, an allergy shot can be recommended for long-term treatment. It’s best to speak with a medical provider first, as immunotherapy is a long-term commitment. It requires several shots over the course of a few weeks and is only recommended for those with severe symptoms. Call or visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford for more information.


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