Winter Hydration: Why Aren't We Thirsty In the Winter?

December 20, 2023

Over 60% of our body is made up of water. This number can vary depending on our lifestyle habits, however, decreasing the amount of water in your body can have detrimental health effects. During the cold winter months, we don’t always crave water the same way that we do when it’s hot outside. Learn about why this happens and how to ensure you’re staying hydrated this winter. Visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford for health and wellness exams available for patients in and around Bedford, MA, 7 days a week with no appointment needed.

Why Is Drinking Water Good For Overall Health?

Our bodies are mostly made up of water. This is because the cells in our body are mostly made up of water, which allows them to transport nutrients to different parts of our bodies and support the function of our internal organs. Without this water supply, our organs wouldn’t be able to function properly, meaning that maintaining a high percentage of water in our bodies at all times is essential. The main way that we maintain the water supply in our body is by drinking water.

Drinking water is one of the only ways to supply water to our bodies. As our cells use water to carry out their everyday tasks, we need to continuously replenish the water in our bodies so that our cells can rehydrate. How much water your body needs depends on many different factors including your age, height, weight, activity level, and environment. Your healthcare provider can give you an estimate of how much water you should be drinking a day following a physical exam.

Why Our Bodies Don’t Crave Water In Winter

During the winter months, you may notice that you have what medical professionals call a diminished thirst response. This means that you don’t feel thirsty during the colder winter months. Although you may not feel thirsty, your cells still use the same amount of water inside of your body despite the weather. This can cause you to become dehydrated which can be damaging to your internal organs over time.

During the hot summer months, we often feel the effects of dehydration more because it happens quickly due to the temperature. Hot temperatures cause moisture in your body to evaporate faster than cool temperatures. We often reach for water during the summer months in response to feeling hot and wanting something cold to drink. Most of the time, we aren’t getting hot enough during the winter to have this sensation. Sweating is also an event that triggers your body to crave water during the hotter months, whereas during the colder months, we tend to sweat less.

Tips For Staying Hydrated This Winter

How much water you should be drinking daily depends on a variety of factors. There is no standard amount of water that will ensure that everyone is well-hydrated. Many healthcare professionals recommend a minimum of 100oz of water per day, which is equal to a little less than a gallon of water per day. Ultimately, you will need to listen to your body and find the amount of water that makes it feel hydrated each season based on your particular habits and environment.

It can be difficult to reach your hydration goals when you are experiencing a diminished thirst response. Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay hydrated when it’s cold outside:

  • Eat foods that are water-heavy, such as soups
  • Drink warm liquids like tea
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol because they cause dehydration
  • Drink electrolytes in your water to boost the hydration factor
  • Get a large water bottle with daily benchmarks to remind you to hydrate throughout the day

Visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford For Health And Wellness Care Near Bedford, MA

Winter hydration is just as important as staying hydrated in the hot summer months. At AFC Urgent Care Bedford, our medical providers can help you determine how much water your body needs a day and create a plan to help you reach your hydration goals. Simply walk into our clinic or schedule an appointment online for a physical exam.

Whether you’re searching for immediate urgent care or preventative health and wellness care, AFC Urgent Care Bedford can help. We offer comprehensive healthcare services with short wait times and affordable care so that you can access the care that you need. We accept most major medical insurance plans and offer low-cost care for patients paying out of pocket for their healthcare. Visit AFC Urgent Care Bedford today. For additional questions regarding our clinic, please contact us directly. 

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