5 things to look out for on move-in day

August 23, 2018

It is a very exciting time of the year for incoming college freshmen. Move-in day is very hectic, emotional & will be a day the whole family will remember forever. Make sure you don’t remember this day because of an injury you got that day!   Take these tips to help you make sure you stay safe on your child’s big move-in day. 1. Pack the car carefully When moving your child from home to ...

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Make sure to get your back to school physicals!

August 1, 2018

Why are physicals important? Have you ever thought about why physicals are even necessary every year for your child? The truth is they are! Children & Teens go through a lot of changes each year as they grow and develop. A physical is a checkup that makes sure your kids are developing normally. Physicals catch any health complications that may have started throughout the year. Why do schools require physicals? Physical requirements do vary depending ...

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Stay away from Dehydration this summer!

July 18, 2018

It is summer time once again and although we can’t wait to get in the nearest body of water, sometimes we forget about the water inside our bodies. Our bodies are made up of 75% of water and require a lot of maintenance from us to keep them happy. When we fail to do this we get dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when we lose more water than we are putting into our bodies. There are ...

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Can’t Quit Coughing?

February 21, 2018

The weather’s cold, the days are short, and the cold and flu viruses are running rampant. It’s likely that sometime this season, you’ll find yourself with a bit of a cough. Coughing is the body’s way of trying to clear your airways. It’s a natural occurrence and is rarely the sign of anything serious. The cause of a cough varies widely and so do the treatments, but it’s important ...

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Beware of Cough Medicine

January 26, 2018

Giving your child cough medicine seems like a natural and smart decision, and it is. You hear your little one coughing like they have the plague, and so you grab whatever you can find in the cabinet, whip out a spoon and tell your child to open wide. But be careful — you might be about to make things worse. Before you start pouring the medicine into a spoon or serving cup, even though it may ...

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Are Extra Pounds Weighing Down Your Immune System?

January 26, 2018

It probably comes as no surprise that losing weight and getting healthy is high on the list when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. And like so many promises we make to ourselves, it’s usually easier said than done. At AFC Urgent Care Beverly, we see the effects of obesity every day. High blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are all commonly known side effects of obesity. But what might surprise you is ...

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Talk to Your Kids About Flu Prevention

January 26, 2018

Parents are being warned that their sweet little angels may actually be the face behind the flu. For a number of reasons, young children are generally more likely to spread the virus than are adults. Children usually have more contact with others, are undeniable germ magnets and tend to have weaker immune systems, making them easy targets for the ruthless influenza virus. In addition to their natural susceptibility, only one in four children receives an ...

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Stop the Flu in its Tracks

January 26, 2018

‘Tis the season . . . don’t worry: we know that the holidays have passed, but flu season is still in full swing! In fact, it is reported that during in the 2017-2018 season flu activity has been greater than in prior years. That’s why it’s critical for people to be on the lookout for flu signs and symptoms. Obviously, our goal at AFC Urgent Care Beverly is to help everyone stay healthy and avoid ...

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Common Flu Myths & Why They Are So Dangerous

December 30, 2017

The much-dreaded flu season is here, which means it’s time to protect yourself against the virus and common myths that surround it. Every year these misconceptions surface and spread, well, like a virus. Flu myths such as these are equally as harmful as they are false, so don’t let misinformation about the flu and the preventative vaccine blind you from the truth! Instead, turn to the physicians you trust at AFC Urgent Care ...

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5 Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter Sports

December 28, 2017

Winter sports are fun but not always the safest activities. If you imagine yourself careening down a hill towards another skier or skating on the rink and then getting nailed by a hockey puck – well, you can probably see how and why plenty of cold-weather athletes wind up seeing a doctor unexpectedly. And you don’t have to imagine. Statistics make it clear how dangerous winter sports can be. According to the U.S. Consumer ...

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