How to Prepare for Inclement Weather

November 27, 2017

A storm is brewing. Are you ready? Even if you’re reading this when the skies are sunny and blue, chances are, sooner or later, you’re going to be confronted with inclement weather. Maybe you live in a part of the country that’s visited by hurricanes or tornadoes. Perhaps you live in a snowbelt. If you’re in the West, maybe wildfires, earthquakes or dust storms are your concern. Whatever your variety of ...

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Winter Is Coming…And So Is Flu Season

October 26, 2017

The colder months are nearly here, which means it’s time to prepare yourself to fight against the flu. Catching the flu is quite a taxing ordeal, almost always resulting in having to call out sick from work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has done studies that show there is a notable spike in illness-related work absences each year during flu season. Get Your Flu Shot Failing to get your flu shot is setting yourself ...

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Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical?

September 18, 2017

  If your child is playing a sport this fall, it’s time to start thinking about a sports physical, also known as a Preparticipation Physical Exam (PPE). Before a player can compete, most schools and sports leagues will require a physical. Typically, there are two sections the PPE – a medical history review and a physical exam. Both parts are important and can help keep your child safe and healthy as they play their heart out ...

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August is National Immunization Month

August 17, 2017

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), and AFC Urgent Care Beverly would like to encourage you to stop in for a hassle-free checkup to ensure you and your family are up to date on your vaccinations. Immunizations are important for people of all ages and help prevent countless, often deadly, diseases. Vaccines are administered to stimulate your immune system so should you come in contact with that disease, your body is better prepared to ...

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Grilling Good Times with Safety on the Menu

August 6, 2017

After being cooped up in the house all winter, it’s only natural to want to get outside with family and friends and enjoy some outdoor recreation. That usually means a tasty meal cooked on an outdoor grill with plenty of cool drinks to wash it all down. As carefree as it might sound, it’s not without a few risks. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 16,600 patients sought emergency room ...

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Preventing Heat Injuries for the Elderly

August 6, 2017

Summertime temperatures can pose a threat for all – especially the elderly. Due to how the body naturally changes with age, older adults are at greater risk for heat-related injuries. Society harps on young adults for the importance of sunscreen, staying hydrated and other health precautions during the warm season, but have we truly considered how rising temperatures drastically affect the elderly? AFC Urgent Care Beverly wants you to be educated on the preventive measures, symptoms ...

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Summer Protective Gear – Do You Have Everything on This List?

August 1, 2017

While you’re having your fun in the sun this summer, are you staying safe in the heat? Summer weather and more outdoor activities means there’s a higher risk of injury from things like sun exposure, dangerous insects, heat injury and more. Make sure you’re prepared for your summer fun by stocking up on these essential items that will keep you safe all summer long: Sunscreen When heading outside this summer, it’s ...

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What Sends People to Urgent Care in the Summer?

July 20, 2017

Summer is a busy time for urgent care centers. Learn how you can avoid some of the most common summer injuries while you have your fun in the sun.   Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year! With vacations, backyard barbecues, fireworks shows and more to look forward to, there’s lots of fun to be had during the warm summer months. But while you’re having a blast with your family ...

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The Best (And Healthiest!) Summer Activities for You and Your Kids

July 7, 2017

Summertime – the kids are home with loads of free time! They may feel inclined to relax on the couch until school starts up again in the fall, but don’t let them miss out on the lively energy of those summer months. AFC Urgent Care Beverly encourages parents and kids to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time getting active this summer. Here are several healthy activities that you and your little ...

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Why Do Men Avoid the Doctor?

June 14, 2017

June is National Men’s Health Month, but are men taking their health seriously enough? Surveys show they might not be. A recent survey by the Cleveland Clinic found that more than half of American men don’t go for an annual physical, which can lead to serious health problems. And their reasons for avoiding the doctor? Among other reasons, many men say they are simply too busy. Top Five Reasons Men Avoid the Doctor ...

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