Make sure your kids get checked for Asthma

September 5, 2018

Asthma checks for kids

Diagnosing asthma in children is important to ensure proper treatment and care of the condition. An untreated asthma condition could have life-threatening consequences throughout the life of your child. Understanding how asthma testing is performed is an important part of detecting the condition as early as possible. Let’s learn a little more about how asthma could be detected in your child.

Taking A Closer Look at Medical History

Before trying to diagnose or treat your child, their physician will want to know more about the symptoms and environments the symptoms took place in. The doctor will ask about smoke exposure, allergen exposure, airborne irritants, and more. They will likely ask your child to describe the symptoms they’ve been having. It’s important for doctors to know if any blood relative has suffered from asthma, hay fever, or allergies as well when determining the likelihood that your child is suffering from one of those conditions.

The Physical Exam

To determine the cause of your child’s symptoms, a doctor will perform a physical examination. Depending on the symptoms mentioned, this exam will vary slightly. It will likely include a check of the ears, nose, throat, and lungs for any signs of breathing problems or congestion. They may have your child breathe into a device called a spirometer- this tests how much air is exhaled by the lungs.

If they’re unhappy with the test results, they may administer an asthma inhaler and repeat the test. The doctor may also challenge your child with a physical activity or certain inhaled substances that could trigger asthma-like symptoms to look for signs of the condition. These tests should only be performed by a physician in a controlled medical setting where they are equipped to handle a possible asthma attack.

How Is Asthma Treated?

Generally, asthma is treated with an inhaler containing a medication that slows or stops the symptoms of asthma. Your child should carry this inhaler with them at all times and use it as directed by their physician in the event of an asthma attack.

Asthma symptoms may include:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Breathing problems
  • Symptoms that are triggered by physical activity, cold, or certain irritants in the air.

Many of these symptoms can also be indicators of allergies or hay fever, but your child’s physician will test and diagnose accordingly after examining the child further. If you notice these symptoms in your child or if your child has complaints of trouble breathing, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment for an asthma exam. The sooner your child is examined the sooner they can be treated and return to living a happy, healthy, carefree life!

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