How to have a (semi) normal fall recreational season in 2020

October 9, 2020

2020 is a year unlike any other and saying we’ve all struggled to adjust is an understatement. Things are far from normal right now but finding the “new normal” as we head into fall is important to maintaining both mental and physical health. There’s no quick fix to get back to the normal we once knew, but there’s plenty that you can do to get a little bit closer to it! 

Managing Stress and Anxiety 

Stress and anxiety levels are on the rise, even among people who don’t usually battle with anxious thoughts. The pandemic has left people feeling uncertain and as if their whole world has been flipped upside down. As we approach a new season, now is a great time to focus on managing your stress and anxiety. It’s important to accept the situation for what it is right now, but know it isn’t forever. Everyone manages stress and anxiety differently, so you’ve just got to find what works best for you! Take advantage of the nice fall weather to get out of the house for a walk, bike ride, or even to rake some leaves. Try to look at this new normal as a chance to slow down from the busy modern-day life and learn to love the simple things. Areas of your life that you can keep as “normal” as possible should be things you look forward to, even if they look a little different now! 

Taking Precautions 

Taking precautions to protect yourself against COVID-19 and flu season will help put your mind at ease and give you one less thing to stress about. Get your flu shot, wear a mask, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently. Those precautions are proven to work and implementing them into your daily life will help maintain your physical health while you manage your mental health. 

Know When to Ask For Help

If you find yourself struggling to get back to normal, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Healthcare professionals are trained to understand your anxious and stressed thoughts and take steps to help you manage them in a healthy way. A local urgent care center is a great option for quick care when you need it most. They will also be able to give you a flu shot and evaluate your overall physical health. Look at it as just another preventative measure to stay as healthy as possible! 

Give your local urgent care center a call today to learn more about the services they offer and to stay informed on the latest COVID-19 data in your area.

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