How to Stay Healthy this March Madness

March 16, 2017

March Madness basketballBy the time you’re reading this, the first tip-off of the NCAA tournament has already commenced, signaling the start of 2017’s March Madness. The NCAA National Championship Tournament, or March Madness, begins with 64 college basketball teams competing for the ultimate honor in college sports. Although it only requires 6 consecutive wins in order to be hailed the champion, March Madness stands as the most chaotic tournament in all of professional and collegiate sports.

During this time, sports bars are overcrowded with patrons drinking beer and scarfing down buffalo wings while watching game-after-game. Meanwhile, employees across the country call in sick to enjoy the spectacle of March Madness.

For many Americans, March Madness is an extremely unhealthy time of the year. On average, Americans consume an estimated 120 million chicken wings, while washing it down with a cool 220 million gallons of beer. If you’re one of the many who participates in this annual ritual, follow these steps to stay healthy this March Madness:

Between Meals at the Bar, Eat Considerably Healthier than Usual

We’re not going to lecture you about the empty calories in beer or chicken wings, as we understand how well these go along with March Madness! But if you’re going to go to the bar three nights a week and enjoy nachos, chicken fingers and beer, make sure that your other meals during the week consist of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

If You’re Going to Drink Multiple Beers, Drink Water In-Between

Drinking water between alcoholic beverages helps keep you hydrated, considering alcohol naturally dehydrates you. If you’re drinking water, it will help prevent you from developing a headache or having a hangover in the morning at work. At the very least, your employer will thank you!

Exercise Throughout March Madness

If you’re going to be watching basketball every night of the week, and are therefore unable to find time (or the motivation) to go to the gym, just try doing push-ups and sit-ups during timeouts or in between games. This will ensure that the potential weight you gain during March Madness won’t entirely be comprised of fat.

Of course, if you’re going to bars during March Madness, you’ll be surrounded by people, which will leave you vulnerable to catching a number of infections. Therefore, if you’re in need of medical care, we’re open 7 days a week here at AFC Urgent Care Beverly. For more information, call us at 978.922.2171.

We look forward to helping you enjoy March Madness!



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