Public Health Travel Updates: Measles, Infectious Disease Updates Before You Travel

July 17, 2019

Traveling to another country is an exciting experience. An international trip is a new opportunity to meet many new people, experience a new culture, and make memories that last a lifetime. Traveling is also a time when many people come into contact with diseases that they aren’t exposed to at home. Knowing what diseases have been on the rise, and where they’ve been on the rise at, may help to keep you protected form several diseases.


Measles has been seen in a higher number in 2019 than it has been in any year since the disease was virtually eliminated in the US in 2000. The measles outbreak has been linked to a group of unvaccinated people who traveled to Europe.

The outbreak has affected multiple states in the US, with the highest number being in New York. Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads rapidly from host to host, especially to children and pregnant women.

Infectious Diseases

The list of infectious diseases around the world is longer than you’d think. Some of the diseases, such as yellow fever, are only found in one area of the globe. There’s currently a yellow fever outbreak happening in Brazil. That means that anyone planning to travel to Brazil or the surrounding countries should receive a yellow fever vaccine before the trip. If you’re unable to get the yellow fever vaccine, alternative vaccines are available to help lower your risk of contracting the disease. Thankfully, diseases like Ebola and Zika have slowed down since the outbreaks in recent years.

Staying Safe

Public health updates about diseases around the globe area the guide to what travel vaccinations you need to receive. Speak with your doctor about where to plan to travel to determine what vaccines you need before you go.

The CDC recommends getting all vaccinations 4-6 weeks before your trip. The yellow fever vaccine needs to be given at least 10 days before your trip. Certain vaccines may be in low supply at vaccination centers near you. The CDC can help you get in contact with the closest vaccination center. If you’re unable to get vaccinated for something that has a current outbreak happening, it may be best to consider rescheduling the trip!

Check back for more public health updates about the latest outbreaks around the globe. We want to help you make your travels fun and safe experience the best way we know how – through encouraging travel vaccinations!

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