What to do for preventing allergic reactions

March 15, 2019

An allergic reaction can be scary, and potentially life-threatening, if you’re not care and take necessary precautions.

Allergic reactions can range from minor and basic irritations to anaphylaxis, which is when the body is experiencing a life-threatening allergic reaction says the Mayo Clinic. Anaphylaxis is commonly referred as anaphylactic shock and is a when the human body specifically comes into contact with an allergic agent.

In some cases, anaphylaxis can have a delayed reaction without any visible symptoms. That means individuals with known allergies have to be extra cautious when managing potential allergies. So what are some ways in which individuals can prevent allergic reactions and manage a potential reaction?

Let others know about your allergies and carry an EpiPen at all times

The best, and most effective way, to prevent allergic reactions is to let others know about your allergy in public and social settings.

For example, make sure that people in your known vicinity are aware of allergies to prevent inadvertent exposure to an allergic agent. In addition, it also helps to let others know about an allergy before a gathering or social event.

Any person with a serious allergy should always carry an EpiPen on their person at all times. An EpiPen allows a person to inject themselves with epinephrine which helps the body open narrow blood vessels, and closed airways in the lungs, caused by anaphylaxis.

Know the key signs of an allergic reaction

Most allergic reactions have key symptoms or bodily signs even if they are delayed. For patients and with severe allergies here are visible symptoms to watch out for:

  • Skin reactions including hives and rashes
  • Swelling of the face, eyes, or throat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness or fainting

Sometimes, a person may also have multiple symptoms occurring at once. If this happens then use the following first-aid basics to help stabilize the person:

First-aid basics when a person is experiencing an allergic reaction

  1. Immediately call 911.
  2. Check for an EpiPen, if they have one ask permission to use it if the person is unable to self-administer.
  3. If a person needs to use the EpiPen, inject it into the person’s thigh. Injecting in it the thigh allows the epinephrine to react quicker in a person’s body.
  4. Have the person lie on their back, stabilize the person, and don’t give them anything to drink including water.
  5. If there are no signs of consciousness or breathing, administer CPR.

Ultimately, patients that experience anaphylaxis need emergency care. However, minor allergies and symptoms can be treated at your local urgent care center!

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