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How To Treat Fall Allergies

October 3, 2022

As we continue moving into the colder months, some of us may be experiencing constant allergies that we can’t seem to get away from. You may be thinking that seasonal allergies only occur during the spring months, but many individuals suffer from allergies as early as September. There are a few at-home strategies for lessening the symptoms of fall allergies, however sometimes we need medical care to get much needed relief from allergies. Learn ...

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Why Children Need Sports Physicals | AFC Urgent Care Boulder

September 14, 2022

Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical? September is a busy time for the families of Boulder! The to-do list is filled with back-to-school tasks– such as buying school supplies and organizing your child’s after school activities. If your child is playing a sport this fall, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling their sports physical, also known as a Preparticipation Physical Exam (PPE). Most schools and sports leagues require these physicals ...

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Staying Healthy in College | AFC Urgent Care Boulder

September 14, 2022

How To Stay Healthy in College September is here, which means a handful of individuals will be packing their belongings and headed to campus. As the semester starts, challenges of school, work, family obligations, and social life occupy students’ daily routines. However, it’s important to remember that health and wellness for college students should remain a top priority. Whether you’re returning to campus, or you’re leaving home for the first time, it ...

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What's in a Flu Shot?

August 31, 2022

It seems like every other day, there's a new headline about the flu pandemic. This year's vaccine is said to be only 10% effective against the dominant strain. But even if it's not 100% effective, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get the flu shot. AFC Urgent Care Boulder provides flu shots for all of our patients. Flu shots are the simplest way to prevent serious viruses from hurting those in ...

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What are the Symptoms of Monkeypox?

August 31, 2022

Did you know that there is a virus called monkeypox? Few people have heard of it, but it is a real disease. In this post, we will discuss what monkeypox is, what its symptoms are, and how it is treated. AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here to provide our patients with the information they need to stay safe. Visit AFC Boulder for any urgent care need, and call us now for information on monkeypox testing ...

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Can Urgent Care Treat Swimmer's Ear?

July 30, 2022

Swimmer's ear is an infection that is typically caused by bacteria that thrive in moist environments. The condition can be extremely painful and may require antibiotics for treatment. The medical providers at AFC Boulder can diagnose your symptoms and write a prescription for antibiotics. If you're suffering from an ear infection, visit our urgent care center today.  What is swimmer's ear, and what are the symptoms? Swimmer's ear is an infection ...

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What Is the Treatment for Poison Ivy?

July 30, 2022

Most people know about poison ivy, and many have probably had the unfortunate experience of getting a rash from it. If you've ever suffered from a poison ivy rash, you're likely wondering what the treatment is. Let's explore the various treatments for poison ivy and how to best get rid of that pesky rash. Patients can always visit AFC Boulder to receive treatment. Our medical providers can write a prescription for you ...

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How Can I Rehydrate My Body?

June 27, 2022

We all know how important it is to maintain hydration when its hot out, but sometimes it's hard to know how to rehydrate our body properly. This blog will outline some tips on how to achieve optimal hydration and give you an idea of what your recommended daily water intake should be. Stay healthy and hydrated this summer! Visit AFC Urgent Care Boulder for dehydration treatment this summer. Our clinic can help treat minor ...

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Everything to Know About HIV Testing

June 27, 2022

When you think about HIV, what comes to mind? Many people may think of AIDS and the devastating effects it can have on the body, but HIV is also a very serious virus that should not be taken lightly. Did you know that there are different types of HIV tests available? If you're thinking about getting tested for HIV, or if you just want to learn more about the testing process, then keep reading ...

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Illnesses Common in Women

May 24, 2022

Women comparatively experience more complicated and serious illnesses compared to men, given their complex body organs and unique reproductive system. There are some conditions and diseases that are more prevalent in women than in men. AFC Urgent Care Boulder had all of our patient’s best interests in mind. Visit our walk-in center today for any illness treatment or preventative care services. We provide vaccinations, lab testing, allergy treatment, and illness diagnosis on a walk-in ...

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