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Can My Child Go To School with a Cough?

May 24, 2022

It’s not easy to figure out if your child is well enough to go to school. At times, it’s a tough decision to choose between your child’s wellness and their academic progress because you surely don’t want them to miss out on lessons and educational activities. At the same time, you can’t ignore how lethargic they feel. AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here to treat your entire family when they ...

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Ways to Reduce Stress

April 27, 2022

Stress is a normal aspect of life that everybody has to go through sometimes. It is your body's reaction to situations or circumstances around you. Stress is a natural phenomenon, and although "stressful," there are healthy ways you can manage it. Responses to stress include some physical symptoms like elevated blood pressure and heart rate, intense emotions like anger, sadness, agitation, and other negative ones. But, there are helpful ways to reduce stress and ...

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How Can I Improve my Indoor Air Quality?

April 27, 2022

Without being told, you should know that the air you take into your body is essential and a major influence on your health. When you take in toxic air, the pollution from it can seep into your lungs and other vital organs, which in turn can cause diseases (including cancer in some cases). Improving the air quality around you is paramount to a healthy life, and it should always be on the top list of ...

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Treating Seasonal Allergies

April 5, 2022

Allergies are a major problem for many once the winter ends. It’s the perfect time to be outside, yet the pollen levels are higher than in months. Allergies are a part of everyday life, but they can cause crippling symptoms that are difficult to treat. There are a few ways to manage allergies and reduce symptoms. AFC Urgent Care Boulder provides treatment for allergies on a daily basis. Don’t suffer in silence with ...

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Is Mono Contagious?

April 5, 2022

Mono or infectious mononucleosis is an illness known as “the kissing disease.” It is relatively common among teenagers and college students. Mono can feel like an extreme or long-lasting version of the flu or a cold though it is not the same type of infection. Many people are unfamiliar with mono, don’t know how to identify it, and aren’t aware of how they can become infected. It is important to understand the basics ...

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Common Respiratory Illnesses

February 23, 2022

Respiratory illnesses are illnesses that make it challenging to breathe. They range from mild to severe complications of the lungs and other breathing organs. Respiratory illnesses can impact the upper or lower respiratory system. Symptoms will vary.  AFC Urgent Care Boulder can treat all respiratory illnesses. As long as your symptoms aren't severe, our providers can recommend treatment to speed up your recovery. Learn more about the common respiratory illnesses treatable at AFC Boulder ...

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Getting Treated for Ski Injuries

February 23, 2022

Injuries while skiing or snowboarding are typical for even the most experienced athlete. If you find yourself with a moderate injury, AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here to treat your symptoms. More severe injuries should be treated at the local emergency room. The key to avoiding injury is prevention. Learn tips about preventing ski injuries and when to be treated at the emergency room. Preventing Injuries In order to give yourself the best chance at ...

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Does My Child Have RSV?

January 31, 2022

RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection. It's is a primary infection that prompts gentle, desensitizing indications in adults and children. RSV disposes the carrier (or infected) to lung and respiratory disease, and it is prevalent among children. RSV can attack the immune system of infants or the elderly, as their response will not be as strong. RSV disposes of infected candidates to heart and lung sickness, all from the scourge of a weak ...

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Is Pink Eye a Symptom of COVID?

January 31, 2022

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a symptom of COVID, but this is not indicative of a COVID infection as several other factors might have led to this. Conjunctivitis can also be caused by a bacteria infection which is by no way related to COVID. Pink eye can be characterized as the irritation of the layer covering the encompassing surface of the eyeball, which can be brought about by infections, microbes, and a few ...

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