Getting Treated for Ski Injuries

February 23, 2022

Injuries while skiing or snowboarding are typical for even the most experienced athlete. If you find yourself with a moderate injury, AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here to treat your symptoms. More severe injuries should be treated at the local emergency room. The key to avoiding injury is prevention. Learn tips about preventing ski injuries and when to be treated at the emergency room.

Preventing Injuries

In order to give yourself the best chance at avoiding injuries, there are certain precautions to take before hitting the slopes. Snowboarders are more likely to experience an injury with the upper body, whereas skiers are more likely to suffer from lower-body injuries.

Learning how to ski or snowboard as an adult can be the main cause of minor injuries, but don’t let that discourage you from learning. Many injuries can be prevented with a few steps:

  • Get acclimated to different altitudes if you're traveling to ski. If you're not careful, these elevated conditions can cause sunburns, hypothermia, and frostbite.
  • Warm-up with a little stretching and aerobic activity before hitting the slopes. Cold muscles are more prone to injuries, so warming up for 15 minutes can help avoid potential problems.
  • Always wear proper gear when getting ready to go out. Helmets are absolutely crucial for preventing head injuries and can potentially save your life. Wrist guards also help prevent wrist injuries for snowboarders.
  • Stick to your skill level, and don’t try to show off. Warm-up to more challenging levels even if you’ve been out skiing this season. Know when to quit when your body has begun to have enough.

Ski Injuries Treated at Urgent Care

Most mild to moderate injuries can be treated at AFC Boulder. However, it's important to know the difference between moderate and severe injuries. Injuries treatable at AFC Boulder include:

  • Bone fractures
  • Muscle sprains or strains
  • Pulls or tears, including ACL tear
  • Dislocated fingers, toes, or other joints 

Be sure only to apply ice to the impacted area, and don't apply heat for at least 72 hours. Using heat increases swelling, which slows down recovery. Try and elevate the site as soon as possible.

When to Visit the Emergency Room

Knowing when to visit the emergency room is crucial. No matter how good you feel, an injury can be present inside the body that can become catastrophic later. Ski patrol at the mountain should be able to recommend a trip to the E.R., but it's important to know for yourself.


If you are suffering from severe pain, are experiencing numbness, or have hit your head, you should seek emergency medical attention.

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