When To Seek Medical Care For Food Poisoning Symptoms

July 12, 2023

Food poisoning is a type of food-borne illness that usually occurs when an individual consumes any food or drink with germs. The symptoms of food poisoning vary from severe to mild. However, most of the time, people usually recover from food poisoning by themselves. On the other hand, severe symptoms require medical attention and proper treatment to prevent any further consequences.

Now the question arises when to seek medical care for food poisoning. Read this article to get your answer. Discover some treatment options and useful tips to prevent food poisoning. For same-day food poisoning treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Boulder– open 7 days a week!

Cause and Symptoms of Food Poisoning

One of the major causes of food poisoning is certain types of bacteria. These bacteria include:

  • Salmonella
  • E.coli
  • Campylobacter
  • Shigella
  • Listeria
  • Botulism
  • Staphylococcus Aureus

Furthermore, some common foods can be the reason for food poisoning. These foods could be:

  • Raw or undercooked meat and poultry
  • Raw eggs
  • Seafood and raw shellfish
  • Unpasteurized milk, cheese, or other dairy products
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Raw flour
  • Sprouts

On the other hand, symptoms of food poisoning vary from person to person and the severity of your illness. Usually, they appear within a few hours after consuming the contaminated food or drink. Some common symptoms include:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea with bloody stools
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Fever

When to Seek Medical Attention & Treatment Options?

Seeking medical attention for food poisoning is important in certain situations. Here are some guidelines to help you determine when it is necessary to seek medical care:

  • If you experience severe symptoms such as high fever (above 101.5°F or 38.6°C), severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, bloody stools, or signs of dehydration (excessive thirst, dry mouth
  • If your symptoms do not improve within a few days or if they worsen over time, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional
  • If you or someone affected by food poisoning is in a vulnerable population, such as young children, elderly individuals, pregnant women, or people with weakened immune systems
  • If you experience signs of dehydration, including excessive thirst, dry mouth, decreased urine output, dizziness, or lightheadedness, it is important to seek medical attention

Treatment options for food poisoning may include:

Fluid Replacement

Clear fluids, such as water, oral rehydration solutions, or electrolyte-rich beverages, can help replace lost fluids and prevent dehydration. In severe cases, intravenous fluids may be necessary.


 In some cases, antiemetic medications may be prescribed to help control persistent vomiting. Furthermore, antibiotics may be prescribed in severe cases or specific bacterial infections to help treat the infection.


Taking as much rest as possible is essential to recover from the weakness you experience during food poisoning.

Tips For Preventing Food Poisoning

To prevent food poisoning, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Practice handwashing
  • Wash fruits and vegetables
  • Wash kitchen utensils thoroughly
  • Avoid consumption of raw meat and fish
  • Throw out moldy foods
  • Clean your refrigerator monthly

Visit AFC Urgent Care Boulder For Food Poisoning Treatment

Food poisoning is a common issue but can be prolonged when not treated on time. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis, evaluation, and guidance on treatment options based on your specific situation. When you need medical care, AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here. Our medical providers can evaluate your condition and provide the best treatment so you can recover quickly. If you have any additional questions about food poisoning symptoms and treatment, please call our office directly at (720) 961-9700

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