Recent Blog Posts

Flu Shot

September 26, 2018

The Importance of Getting a Flu Shot Mid-September until the end of December is a time filled with holiday’s and fun, but it’s also flu season. The flu becomes a widespread issue each and every year, but much of that spread could be avoided if people received their flu shots. The flu shot protects you against the flu, similar to how the chickenpox vaccine protects against chickenpox. The difference between the flu shot ...

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Avoiding Sports Injury

September 26, 2018

Fall is officially here which means sports practices, game days, and potential injuries for your child. Playing is fun for the kid, but it often brings on worries to the parent of injuries and days off the field. There is something you can do to protect your child from these potential injuries though; actually, there are multiple things! These are some of the most recommended tips from sports physicians and coaches to help your child ...

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Save yourself from sunburn!

August 6, 2018

We here at AFC Urgent Care hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful summer we have been having! However, we would also like to remind everyone how to stay safe from sunburn while still having some fun in the sun! What is sunburn Exactly? The sun emits 3 ultraviolet rays: UVA UVB UVC Only 2 of these rays make it through earth’s atmosphere, (UVA, UVB). The UV rays are radiation, and our skin has a ...

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Don’t let dehydration stop you from enjoying summer!

August 3, 2018

Its everyone’s favorite time of the year again, summertime! As much as we at AFC Urgent Care want everyone to have some fun in the sun, we also want everyone to be safe! Did you know the body is 70% water? Literally, half of our bodies are filled with fluids! We require fluids every day just from an everyday task. This summer the heat intense which gives us all the more reason to be ...

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Don't let dehydration stop you from enjoying summer!

August 3, 2018

" Its everyone’s favorite time of the year again, summertime! As much as we at AFC Urgent Care want everyone to have some fun in the sun, we also want everyone to be safe! Did you know the body is 70% water? Literally, half of our bodies are filled with fluids! We require fluids every day just from an everyday task. This summer the heat intense which gives us all the more reason to be ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito's This Summer

July 20, 2018

" Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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Poison Ivy: Signs, Symptoms and Precautions

July 20, 2018

" Poison ivy is the most common allergy in the United States, affecting about 50 million people every year. The rash from poison ivy is caused by an allergic reaction to urushiol, an oily substance in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, through direct contact. Urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison sumac, which means the rash can be contracted by interacting with any of the three plants. Other than direct contact ...

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Protect Yourself from Ticks and Mosquito’s This Summer

July 20, 2018

Summertime brings many opportunities for outdoor activities. From camping and hiking to playing tag in the backyard, kids and adults alike can enjoy the warm weather. Make sure your family takes the following precautions to avoid missing outdoor fun due to mosquito and tick bites. Before you go outside: Use bug repellent on your skin and clothing. The CDC recommends wearing an EPA-registered insect repellent that contains active ingredients such as DEET or picaridin. Wear ...

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Allergies and Asthma: How They May Go Hand-In-Hand

April 30, 2018

" Spring has sprung and so have those nasty springtime allergies. The pollens, the molds; they might be tiny, but they sure can have a huge impact on your health. But, for about 25 million people in the United States that suffer from asthma, spring allergies pose an even larger risk. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 60 percent of all asthma sufferers have something called allergic asthma. Allergies may be a ...

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Why Do Allergies Come and Go?

April 30, 2018

" As long as Jenna can remember, every spring and fall in Ohio brought a familiar rite of passage, red, watery, puffy eyes that were hard to keep open at times, and bouts of near-constant “a-choos” that literally brought her to a standstill because, well, you can’t walk and see where you’re going when your eyes are half closed and you’re sneezing your fool head off. Between tree pollens in the spring, and ...

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