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Brain Food: Do Certain Foods Actually Help Your Child Do Better in School?

June 9, 2016

" As a parent, you want your child to do well in school. The best way to ensure their success is to give them the tools and the fuel they need to do well, both in the classroom and in life. We’ve got you covered there, with our blog last week on back-to-school health kits, and now we’ve got more information for you! The team at AFC Urgent Care has put together a list ...

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Poison Ivy & Other Plants to Avoid This Summer

June 6, 2016

" Plants can brighten up a landscape, but some can be dangerous! This summer, AFC Urgent Care wants you to watch out for these poisonous plants, and to know what to do if you come into contact with them! Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are the big three when it comes to poisonous plants — all have a similar chemical make-up that makes them very unpleasant to meet when you’re out hiking! All three ...

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Let’s Celebrate World No Tobacco Day!

May 31, 2016

" World No Tobacco Day is May 31, 2016. How will you be celebrating? What would the world be like with no tobacco use? For one day, the World Health Organization (WHO) wants us to try and find out. WHO coordinates the annual World No Tobacco Day with the goal of eliminating tobacco use around the world. This year, the goal of World No Tobacco Day is to encourage countries to legislate the packaging allowances for ...

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How to Prevent Illness From Bug Bites

May 23, 2016

" Gorgeous spring and summer weather means it’s time for the whole family to head outside! But your family members aren’t the only ones wanting to enjoy the warmer weather — this time of year is when all kinds of bugs like to come out in full force. While we love seeing all the pretty ladybugs, buzzing bumblebees and beautiful butterflies, there are some creepy crawlies that we wish we could avoid. In addition to ...

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Common Injuries and How to Handle Them

May 16, 2016

" Injuries can happen when you least expect them — and they can be disorienting and chaotic when they do occur. You may be in too much pain to help yourself, or it may be during a time when your primary care doctor’s office is closed. So how can you get help when you need it? And what can you do to treat the injury on your own? Find out what to do in the event ...

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Mom’s Health Tips: Which Ones Work, and Which Ones Don’t?

May 6, 2016

" Mother knows best when you’re growing up, but even the most informed and well-meaning mothers sometimes gave us advice that we later discovered wasn’t quite right. We here at AFC/Doctors Express took a list of some of the most popular pieces of motherly health advice and evaluated them. Read on to find out which pieces passed muster, and which ones we can leave behind! Put hydrogen peroxide on that scrape! Verdict: Not ...

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Staying Safe Outdoors

April 25, 2016

" Now that spring is in full swing, you and your family will likely be spending more time outside taking part in activities and enjoying the beautiful weather. However, there are some dangers unique to the outdoors that you should be aware of, to keep your family healthy all season. Here at AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook, we have some tips on how to avoid a seasonal trip to your urgent care center!   Wear sunscreen — even ...

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April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April 15, 2016

" Alcohol is one of the most popular addictive drugs on the planet, but it’s one that people still haven’t quite learned how to use safely. Every year, more than 2.6 million Americans are hospitalized due to complications or injuries related to alcohol. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, so to help bring attention to this issue and give you the tools to enjoy a drink safely, AFC/Doctors Express compiled a list of ...

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Why Your Child Should Get a Sports Physical Every Year

April 8, 2016

" It’s early spring, which means it’s time for all young athletes to get ready to join their teams to compete in the spring, summer or fall. According to a report Sports and Fitness Industry Association, about 21.47 million children in the United States participate in organized sports, which comes to about 75 percent of boys and 69 percent of girls. One essential step in your preparation for your sport of choice should ...

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April is Medication Safety Month

April 1, 2016

" Medicine is probably one of mankind’s biggest accomplishments. It can be listed up there with farming, electricity and the microchip as one of the advances that fundamentally changed how people lived, mainly because it gave us power over our own bodies that we had never had before. It might seem counterintuitive to think that medications could ever hurt us, but the reality is that medication misuse and adverse reactions cause more than 700,000 ...

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