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Drop the Cabbage Soup! Why Crash Diets Don’t Work

March 25, 2016

" Summer is fast approaching, which means it will be time to get out the bathing suits and short shorts! Who doesn’t begin to feel a little insecure after a long winter of bundling up? But before you start getting ready to bare your “bikini body” on the beach, AFC/Doctors Express wants to know: how do you feel about crash diets? For those who have never tried one, a crash diet is when you ...

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How to Keep Your Spring Allergies Under Control

March 21, 2016

" Spring has sprung, and telltale sniffles are beginning to fill the air. For some people, this beautiful season is nothing but misery, due to the constant sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes and countless other exhausting symptoms. Seasonal allergies affect as many as 50 million Americans, and it’s not just a mild annoyance. As many as 55 percent of workers report calling in sick at work because of allergies. There are many ways to avoid the ...

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Recent Mumps Outbreak — Are You At Risk?

March 7, 2016

" According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, incidences of the mumps have decreased 99 percent since the era before widespread vaccinations. But tell that to the 10 states that have seen outbreaks of the mumps in the past month. So far, there have been 69 reported cases of the mumps this year. It seems to have started in Iowa, but it quickly spread to places like Colorado, Indiana and Massachusetts. The mumps virus ...

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Heart Health Warning Signs You Should Look Out For

March 1, 2016

" We at AFC Urgent Care Bound Brook are hoping that one of your New Year’s resolutions was to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to help you stay on track, we have compiled a list of things to look out for when you’re evaluating your health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death among adults in the United States. You get exhausted easily. If ...

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The Zika Virus – What You Need to Know Now: Part Two

February 29, 2016

" Mosquitoes have always been a source of annoyance and big, itchy, red bites. Usually we only need to worry about them in the summer, but the Zika virus outbreak is causing people to sweat throughout the world. So, what exactly is Zika? We’re here to help you learn everything you need to know about Zika virus. Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The virus has been known to ...

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The Zika Virus – What You Need to Know Now: Part One

February 16, 2016

" Mosquitoes have always been a source of annoyance. Usually we only need to worry about them in the summer, but the Zika virus outbreak is causing people to sweat throughout the world. So, what exactly is Zika? We’re here to help you learn everything you need to know about Zika virus. Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The virus has been known to circulate Africa, the Americas, Asia ...

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Flu Season Facts, Part 2

January 29, 2016

" Here is the second part of our series on flu season! We hope you took our advice from last week and got your flu shot! We’re going to get a bit more into the nitty-gritty about how the flu spreads and what makes the flu vaccine work. So hang on, we’re diving right in!   The influenza virus is a respiratory virus, and it spreads primarily through contact with respiratory droplets. However, these droplets ...

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Winter Survival Guide: Avoid Slipping, Hypothermia & Dehydration

January 27, 2016

" With Winter Storm Jonas now behind us, it’s relatively safe to assume that we’re not going to see another storm of that proportion again this winter. However, we’re not quite out of the woods yet; there’s still two full months remaining of winter. For the sake of being safe rather than sorry, it’s smart to prepare ourselves as if there’s another major winter storm headed our way. Here’s ...

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Flu Season Facts, Part 1

January 22, 2016

" The influenza virus is a seasonal epidemic that typically hits the United States around October and can last until May. Even though this is a yearly occurrence, there are still some misconceptions about the flu and what people should do to protect themselves. To keep our readers informed, we are doing a two-part series on important facts people should know about the flu. Part two will be released next week. The flu is not just ...

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Beware of Winter Weather Hazards!

January 15, 2016

" After an unseasonably warm start on the East Coast, winter is finally letting us feel its chill. It might seem like yesterday that high temperatures were breaking records all over the place, so it can be easy to disregard the recent cold. Winter weather can present a lot of hazards though, so it’s important to be aware of what might happen in your area and be prepared for what winter may bring. Here are ...

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